"Connecting to the Computer World CompuServe Server..." I'm so sleepy. I stayed at a friend's house yesterday to help them move their furniture into their new apartment, and once I finally got back to the college today I felt so, so dead, tired, and sick. Like, maybe it was just the introvertedness finally hitting (or maybe I'm dying of some unknown disease. Hopefully not). I just ate and walked back to my room. On the way I met the sweetest little black dog, and he walked with me until he turned to go home. And on the way back I saw the bobbed-tail cat that I always call by saying "El Gatito!" but he was too busy playing with another human. Animals are so sweet. I can barely hold my eyes open right now. I think I'm just going to end this Gopher post here. And now my head hurts right above my left eye - just a little? Odd. Maybe my brain is getting an upgrade. Hopefully not over zmodem. Goodnight, all! Maybe I'll post again in a little while (but probably not). ~Jesse