It's the last day of the month! I'm going to go to class today, even if I have to force myself. I got eight full hours of sleep, so hopefully I'll feel fine today. I am somewhat worried, since the worst of how I felt yesterday didn't even hit until I was in Computer Club. We were doing our meeting, having a good time, and then around seven, I just suddenly lost all the energy I had and felt like death. I was hunched over the standing desk in the front, my voice became softer, and my friends noticed that I had suddenly changed in mood and feeling. I don't know why this happens - if it's depression or if it's some underlying health issue - but I really would like it to stop. I know that my mental health also isn't incredible, and if I had to choose between this and clarity of mind, I would definitely choose clarity of mind. I can't believe that we're already almost into February. It seems unreal with how fast time flies. My friend Paul leaves for bootcamp on the 19th, which saddens me a lot, but I hope it goes well for him. He's planning on doing IT in the Navy, which I know he'll be good at, but he's basically my only friend back home - so I'm preparing to spend the next four to six years alone. Maybe he'll go to Japan to be stationed and I can follow him there. That'd be nice. It is now edging closer and closer to 7AM, and I want an omelette. I'll probably make another post today. If not, see y'all in February!