"What year are you?" Me: 1864 It is Friday mis amigos! I'm ready to party hard and get CRUNK (and by that, I mean that I'm ready for my friend to come over so we can make rice balls. I need a nap first though). I was happy that the dude I like seemed to want me to stay over in his room today. It was nice (even though I was like "I wanna go play on my computer" looool). Gonna go kidnap him later so he can make rice balls with me and Celina! >:U ANYWAY! One of my professors is trying to help me liberate a heckton of old Macs from their current resting place on display in Student Life (two Macintosh SE's, a Mac LC, and a frickton of PowerMac G3's) for Computer Club's use. I really do hope that we can do that and make it a thing. It would be really, really nice to do so. I'm not totally sure what we would use them for, but I really would love to get them hooked up and online and play with them. It would also be an excuse for us to ask SBA for a Mac Floppy Emulator (available at www.bigmessowires.com). I really hope that they give them to us. I'm really more interested in the classic Macs than the PowerMacs (which are nice, but I don't need 30 of them. I guess I could run an AppleTalk server on them though). It would be nice. I got Kraftwerk's Computer World CD in the mail the other day. I really like it (and not just because I've been infatuated with the idea of Computer World since I was like 4 years old). Shoutout to Snowdusk for playing Pocket Calculator and making me want it on his show Intergalactic Wasabi Mix, live on aNONradio.net Sat-Tue at 23:00 UTC (5pm CT). Go give it a listen if you haven't already! He plays nonstop galactic tunes and it's always a fun time. And be sure to join us in the aNONradio room on COM. B) I'm really interested to know if people would buy a game built specifically on and for SDF. Maybe a text adventure or some sort of puzzle game for like $5. It'd be a nice thing to have, I think. I want to know how people would feel about it though. Don't forget that you guys can always drop me a comment or even send me something in the mail! Now then, let me leave and cross my fingers hoping that my phlog will get relisted at the top. *crosses*