Okay, legit, can we talk about how the phlogosphere is broken as shit right now? It's incredibly annoying that phlogs are now listed in alphabetical order. An empty gopherhole that hasn't been touched since 2015 is sitting at the top of the list, and finding people who posted today is next to impossible. Not to mention that the gopher holes that are not listed in the phlogs are also now unmanageable. I don't really like the separation of the users into different age categories. I prefer them just in folders from A-Z, where the most recent phlog is listed first in that folder. A list of 1000 users is too damn much. And just to be honest, I wouldn't MIND the age separation, IF it was still organized into folders as it was before. Also, not to mention, that the text on top of the ACTIVE users does not. fucking. fit. into. eighty. columns. Oh my goodness me. When shit is written for the comand line, it needs to fit into 80 columns by 24 rows. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that Gopher is a living place and that it is being updated and worked on. But I never know what is a permanent, purposeful change and what is a mistake that's being worked on in the meantime. And now phlogging about it is essentially useless because I'm ten pages down a damn list of 200 users. I get it; it's being actively developed. That's fine. Probably all of my concerns here are going to be resolved within some short amount of time. But still. Someone has to give a fucking rant when he's pissed off, and one of those someones is going to be me. I need to eat. And I guess I'll relist myself in the Phlogosphere so that *maybe*, by some chance, my rant can be read.