Oh hey look the phlogosphere is back in chronological order. Now the only thing that needs to be fixed is everything else eheheheheheh //passive aggressive mode activate I'm so tired right now. I stayed up all night trying to get my piano piece down for today, read my crap for poetry, and go over stuff for my Beethoven test. Ended up sleeping about thirty minutes at 8am. What happened then was that I screwed up my piano piece a bunch of times when I went to perform it, ended up sleeping and not going to Poetry, and ended up late to my Beethoven test but still managed through it (and I think I did *okay*). I'm still tired, but after Wasabi is over I have to hold our Computer Club meeting for today. I don't have much to talk about since I had to cancel on my meeting with SBA today to get funds for our movie night next week (we're going to show Hackers). It got moved to Thursday at 11:40am, so hopefully it gets approved and we can get food for the event. And also hopefuly they eventually approve our request for money for a RasPi 3. I notice that whenever I eat, I get really tired. Especially if I eat a lot of sugar. I know, I know, it's not good for your body, and I need to lose weight anyway, but still. Sometimes you just have a craving for a cone of ice cream that can't be satisfied any other way. And then you feel soooooooooo tired. Tired enough to pass out on the keyboard of your PowerBook G3 while writing a Gopher post. My RA was supposed to come inspect my room at some point today. I have no idea if he has yet or not, but cleanest room gets a free large pizza from Dominoes, so I don't want to mess it up just in case. (I also don't want to hang my string lights back up until after he does, which the college stupidly banned this year claiming that they were a "fire hazard," despite the fact that they have them literally everywhere on campus, on 24/7). I'm thinking about making Valentine's Cards for my friends and delivering them at some point next week. I'm not sure if I will or not though; that's a lot of work. But it would also show a lot of love, which would be nice. Anyway, that is all for now. I'm hoping Wasabi wakes me up today . < . Bye!