Someday, someday the phlogosphere will be fixed. At least we can see that it's progressing. Today is pretty nice so far! I won a free pizza for having cleanest dorm in my hall (tied with another person, but we both get our own pizzas). So I'm going to get that on Friday. I also just got done with my Java assignment for Computer Science. (I'm wondering if I'm going to need to stay for Computer Science, since I was the only person to show up on Monday. Maybe Dr. Wang will move forward, maybe not. I hope not so I can just leave lol). I need to catch back up with my stuff in poetry, and I need to be sure I know my shet for Beethoven class. Yesterday was the third class meeting in a row I've missed poetry, and I'm sure Dr. Pickard isn't incredibly happy with it. Like, I hate that I've missed so much, but last week I didn't feel well and yesterday I had a test that I needed rest before. He's an understanding dude. Once turned a paper in a month late due to stress and inability to write it, and I still received an A. I don't think he's going to count me off much for missing what I have. I'd kind of like to avoid people today, because I got really burned out yesterday evening, but I need to go to SAEC. Maybe I won't stay for dinner. Hm... Or maybe I will. We'll see. In other news, Celina went around bugging people to sign the petition to get Computer Science back (as a major and minor) and I think we now have over 100 signatures! Which is a pretty big deal considering that the school only has like 800-900 students. Hopefully we can make a real impact and get this shet back. I really don't think one should have to do applied mathematics just to *eventually* get a Computer Science degree as a graduate (when there are even less scholarships and the business-biological clock is ticking). Class is supposed to start in six minutes. No one is here yet. Will I be alone again? Hehe, we'll see.