So movie night was a complete bust. Yoshi didn't come, Rob never relayed the message to the SAEC mailing list, and no one apparently care about the poster we put up in Leggett. Sooooo, yeah. Big Rob was the only one to show up, and we sat for a good 5-10 minutes after six and finally just decided to cancel. I almost ordered pizza so we could watch, but I didn't want to spend 2 hours watching a movie that I've already watched for nothing. Plus I didn't want to order two small pizzas and have SBA think that we just asked for money for nothing. I rented the movie already, so maybe I'll watch it late tonight. I'll be sure to print out the receipt and ask SBA for funds for the movie. Maybe we could even just move the date and use the money then. I'm not sure. I don't want to try and end up not getting reimbursed. Oh well. Guess I'll find something else to do tonight.