Holy cow. I hadn't realized it's been a week since I last posted to Gopher. Things have been busy lately, especially since I've been watching my one friend closely after he had a breakdown the other day. He's okay now; I've made sure of that. And he's coming home with me over Spring Break, which is even better. I can keep an eye on him, help him relax, and have a good time. It's all gucci. I'm still waiting on a response from Dr. Pearigen on the Computer Science petition. I don't want to e-mail him and end up receiving a premature response, but I am getting a little worried since Major Declaration day is March 22nd, which is only 2 1/2 weeks away. If nothing else, I'll just declare in applied mathematics, but to be honest I'd really rather not. I also want my friend to be able to stay at Millsaps, which isn't going to happen without them gaining Computer Science. I'm really worried about that especially, since I don't want him to have to be off in some new environment where he has no support system and he's just a newcomer and an outsider. Other campus communities aren't like Millsaps', and I really worry for him. I want him to be able to stay here. It just requires Computer Science and convincing his benefactor. *Please* get it back Millsaps. It's 2018. Get with the program. For me, for him, and for future students coming to the school. It's a big deal and it needs to happen. I'm praying, I'm hoping. I need all the help I can get. //if anyone out there is rich, give money to Millsaps College to get them to start a Comp Sci dept// In other news, I ended up installing an SSD in my Alienware 13, which I've barely used in over a year now because it would drag on and barely work at all. I replaced the SSHD with a 7200 rpm HDD at one point, but it made no difference. Rob gave me a Sandisk SSD a while back, and while the capacity on it is only 240gb, I decided finally to use it and make the laptop usable again. And thankfully it worked. The installation is clean, the drive is in perfect condition, and the disk usage stays at 0 unless there's *actually* something being done (by me). It's honestly great, and it means I can go back to using my gaming laptop without an issue. Maybe now I can finally finish Skyrim lol. Also, again, I accept donations of any and all electronics, books, video games, stationary, etc, and my college mailbox is listed right here on Gopher. So if you want to make your junk my treasure, feel free! I'd love to have it. Now then, it's time to prepare for my exams and for Spring Break. And probably sleep. Peace out, Super Dimension Fortress.