So I take it that the active gopher space directory is never going to be repaired to its former glory. Someday, someday... I'm ready for Computer Science today. I didn't go Monday as I wasn't feeling well - mentally or physically - but today I'm much better. Not in my room having an existential crisis. Heheh. After Computer Science is over, I have SAEC at five. After that I need to take and wash all my clothes and begin packing for Spring Break. Tomorrow I'll roll my truck over to north side of campus and let Bars get his stuff in my truck before we have our Ghibli movie night. I'm so, so looking forward to Spring Break. I hope that we don't have Beethoven class tomorrow. It's not like I would end up remembering anything if we did, so hooooopefully if we show up we just won't actually have a lecture. That would be nice. I'm going to go ahead and take my time right now to complete some work for Dr. Pickard. Hasta maƱana, mis amigos.