Sometimes, even if it's only been a few years, rewatching a movie is like watching it completely new for me. Actually, more than just sometimes; usually. Today I went to Books a Million (BAM) and bought The Girl Who Leapt Through Time on Bluray. I was just drawn to it and decided to buy it instead of the $30 manga that I was also eyeing. I watched it a bit ago and despite having watched it before a few years back, I couldn't remember anything. Everything was familiar but every detail was new from beginning to end. I love when a movie is like that - when it's just new for me all over again. The other day we watched Spirited Away in SAEC, and it was exactly the same (although slightly less so, as I've seen SA two or three times prior). There's just something magical about it. Granted, it's nice too to have some movies that I've watched so many times that I can nearly recite them while watching them again. Things like Over the Garden Wall or the Spongebob Movie (listen, I was like 8 and I had it on VHS). I still enjoy them every time I watch them; although the reason may just very well be that me enjoying them so much is what allows me to keep watching them. I'm actually considering taking the rest of my night and rewatching Re: LIFE. It's an anime about this dude who becomes a high schooler again thanks to some magic reverse aging pill. It's not quite as interesting as time travel, just imo, but it's still a great anime. And they're supposed to release I think one or two OVAs this year or next year to finish it off. I also need to finish rewatching Noragami. //keeps grabbing tic tacs by the handful// //the box is now empty. heck// I hope that everyone has a happy and safe Easter weekend. Just because Jesus died for your sins doesn't mean you need to die for that extra 5 miles an hour on the interstate. The only parallel you need to draw is that you also need to rise on Sunday. I remember last year I went out and bought both Tomo and Yoshi a chocolate bunny for Easter because neither of them had celebrated Easter before. I wish I could bring Tomo another one this year, but alas, he is in the Japan land. And Yoshi I just haven't hung out with much this year (plus he now has a girlfriend, who I love, but who honestly might kill me if she thinks I'm interested in her boyfriend). I am sending Tomo a birthday present, though. It would just be nice if international shipping was cheaper ; v ;. $62 minimum is insane (although I guess I should have just planned for a smaller present, but I want to send him something bigger). It's just a 12x10x8 package with a Steven Universe Artbook, a banana cat plushie, and two bags of goldfish (and a bunch of bubble wrap). I hope that when I take it to the USPS store that they may give me some kind of discount, but I'm doubting it. I'm paying for jet fuel, y'know. At least it'll get there in supposedly ~10 days. Which means if I send it at the end of this coming week that it should get to Tomo right in time for his birthday (April 21st). I may ship it earlier though, just in case. It would be nice if someone would get me a chocolate bunny for Easter. I miss being at home and getting stuff from my mom every year. Oh well. All I want for Easter this year is my friend back and for this situation that I'm dealing with to be fixed. That means more to me than all the chocolate bunnies in the world (or, at least, y'know, a lot of them). Anyway, that's all that I have to report for now, SDF. Have a good weekend!