I don't feel great today. Like, I don't really feel sick or even tired. I'm just not up to par. I think it's because of the situation. Until it's resolved, I'm not going to feel well. I moved my voice lesson to Friday so that I could sleep. It kind of sucks too because I was completely ready to sing this morning, unlike most mornings, but I knew if I didn't get a few hours more sleep then I'd end up feeling really sick like I did yesterday (by the end of the day). My headphones should have arrived from Massdrop by now. Unfortunately, they shipped them through FedEx, and since FedEx is a horrid company, it's currently trying to find its way to me. It'll probably be here by tomorrow. I'm just annoyed, considering that they shipped a week ago. Also, for those who like anime, I finished rewatching ReLIFE early this morning (rewatched it bc 1. I wanted to and 2. the OVAs are out now to finish the anime). I actually didn't realize they had already released the OVAs until I went to watch it a few days ago, and I got super excited. The ending was really great. I still want more, of course lol, but I am satisfied with it. It's a really great anime about a guy who is given a second chance at life and becomes a high school student again to try and help him fix the issues he has. I think I talked about this in a previous phost? I'm not sure. Anyway, that's all for now. Computer Science starts in about ten minutes. Let's see how much I missed Monday...