So yesterday I decided to sign up for Spotify Premium (Student, which is $4.99/mo instead of $9.99). I'm enjoying it so far, even though I'm not a huge music listener. Like, seriously, I don't listen to a lot of music. I really prefer silence in the background, and I can't understand those who have music running for them 24/7. It would drive me absolutely insane. I like music, though, a lot, and I liked the prospect of being able to stream whatever I wanted in the background in high quality (decided that after using my friend's Spotify Premium until he eventually kicked me off of it bc only one device could listen at a time). I'd like to have something like YouTube Red, which includes music, but $10 a month is ridiculous for a small set of originals and background playback (which should be free anyway). Like, seriously, I would pay for YT Red if it were, say, $3/mo or even $50/year (which is about $4.16/mo), but $120 a year is ridiculous. Especially considering the only things I give two flips about on it are the background playback, lack of ads on my playstation, and VSauce's Mind Field. That's it. Whereas with Crunchyroll I pay $6/mo and get a heckton of HD anime that's released an hour after it airs in Japan, or with Spotify I pay $5/mo and get unlimited music and can download it (plus it comes with a Hulu subscription, which is essentially worthless to me but still). YouTube thinks it's a Netflix competitor when it isn't, and it's prices are just unnecessarily high - especially considering they generate millions of dollars through ads anyway. Anyway, other than that I think I'm going to eat some ramen and get ready for the day. I hope that this weekend I'll be able to get back to listening to Wasabi more often, as I haven't been able to at all in the past few weeks. Definitely at least once the school year ends I'll be tuning into it every weekend, but I'm happy with putting that off as long as possible. I'm nowhere near ready for the summer. Also, the situation may improve today. Or it may not. My anxiety is running high about it, so again, all prayers definitely help. God knows the need. Right now I just have to remember to breathe. Bye for now!