Hi hi Gopher gopher! I'm back again for another phost! Stuff still isn't really resolved between my friend and I, and I'm hoping that maybe it will be soon, but for now Snowdusk has told me that I've gotta keep my mind off of it and focus on me. And he's right. Demi Brown keeps telling me that too (he's the 43-year old gay guy that's the Dean of Intercultural Affairs (I think) and is over this situation. He's great and has been a big help). So I'm trying to focus on me and get better. It's difficult, but I know that I can do it. It's just going to take time. In the past day I've been trying to get myself organized for finals and also to get my schedule and major planned out. Here's what I've decided on so far: 1. Work hard as frick to satisfy the remaining requirements for me to have a B.S. in Creative Writing with a minor in English literature. Basically I just need the rest of the English stuff, senior seminar, and two business classes. 2. Use my senior year to gain my "major experience" and foreign language requirements by studying abroad at Akita International University in Japan. Since the rest of my classes will be free game, I'm going to take whatever courses appeal to me (notably some Computer Science courses, which my school doesn't have). 3. Graduate from Millsaps College. Right now I'm also trying to find some way during the summer to make money, as I'm in pretty desparate need of it. One of my professors may be offering me a position to help create a website for some project he has going on, although that's tenative (and last time I worked on a tenative website project, it fell through and I never saw a dime, which kind of peeved me off. That's *still* tenative, and I'm probably going to raise the prices on the guy for the trouble I went through last summer with it). I'm probably just going to have to find a *real* job, although that's something that I just really despise. I'm not a great member of society lol. I'd also like to start working again on Subject X31 (a webcomic I was doing previously), but I'm not positive how that's going to work out. We'll see. Heck though if I'm going to major in creative writing, I may as well actually do it. All the stuff I have to do for finals week is written down and sticky-noted to my dresser. It's not a lot; I just have to get it done. And anxiety keeps telling me that it's too much, even though that's a lie. Somehow, though, I'll do it. Now let's just hope my teachers excuse all my absences...