Hello again Gopher! It's been like almost a month, so I figured maybe I should post. I turned 20 on June 29th! I'm officially no longer a teenager! Hooray! (Now can I stop being moody? lol) I mentioned before that I would have an eye appointment sometime soon, and that has finally happened! On July 5th (so tomorrow) at 8:30am I have it. I haven't really been having any trouble with my eyes, but also I haven't been sitting at a white computer screen for 6-8 hours a day either (like I probably should for my job...). I actually am going to ask the doctor about computer glasses though. I have some, but I'm not a huge fan of them. They're hard to clean and they're also kind of tight against my head. I'm going to see if maybe I can get some custom ones done cheaply without a prescription (since, y'know, my vision is fine). I am going to ask him about my eyes feeling different sometimes, like there's different pressure behind the two. Since my great grandma had glaucoma, it's not something I want to disregard until I actually start having issues. I want to keep my vision for another decade or more! Let me do it! I've also been active on OpenVoIP recently. It's been fun talking to tomasino, zelbrium, cat, zeptar, and snowdusk (and once smj, but I didn't really say anything to him loool because he came on to talk to cat) on 1088. Now I've even got a new character/voice to add to my arsenal: Bob from Bob's Computer Repair. Located at 401 Main St, Chmod 655. AOL Keyword: Bob. It's fun lol. I hope more people can join in soon (and the channel will cool down a little bit with the random calls. They're fun sometimes but they also sometimes make it impossible to actually talk). That's all for now. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Fourth of July! Don't blow anything up that isn't fireworks! lol Goodnight :> P.S. I did get the IBM 5144 and I freaking love it! I have no regrets buying it. It was worth every penny. Currently I have it connected to my desktop PC using a DisplayPort to HDMI cable and an HDMI to RCA converter, running at 800x600. It looks great, and using putty to show an 80x24 terminal on it makes it feel * a m a z i n g * ! At first I was unsure of if I made a good decision, but as soon as I played SDF's Tetris on it, there were no regrets. It was the experience I wanted to have with my ADM-5 when I got it two years ago and never got to have. It's absolutely lovely. (and hint hint, if anyone would like to donate an old IBM-5140 or other microcomputer from the time, I'd be happy to take it lol). I posted pictures of it on Mastodon and it BLEW UP on the Fediverse. I got I think almost 30 likes on the post and a bunch of boosts. It was really great. I'm in love. Anyway, that's actually all for now lol. Thank you and goodnight!