My glasses have shipped! Hopefully I'll get them sometime in the next few days (Monday or Tuesday, since Sunday delivery isn't a thing). I'll be sure to post pictures on Mastodon when I get them (maybe heheh). I need to work, badly, on losing weight. I'm 205 pounds now. It's insane. I was like 175 or 180 whenever I started college, and I dipped as low as 185 in the past year. I hate it. I hate being fat. It royally sucks, and I was so satisfied when I finally lost 50 pounds in 10th grade and went from 220 to 170. I tried to keep going but never could get below 163, and I couldn't keep it stable below 170 ever. Either way, medium shirts fit on me well, I could fit into 34x32 (or 34x30, which I should have been wearing) pants, and I felt good about myself. The thing that sucked was that *finally* after losing weight and trying to feel better about how I looked, my dang hair started falling out. At 15/16. It was butts. So now I'm still trying to gain my hair back, which seems to be working, and lose weight (which I'm obviously not making much progress on). I'll be happy in a month when I'm back in school and I live thirty seconds away from the HAC (Millsaps' student gym, basically). Although, as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather stay out of school for as long as possible. I've actually gotten pretty close to having my hair grow back completely before, in twelfth grade. I was using minoxidil, pumpkin seed oil, and vitamin B5 (plus Tio Nacho shampoo), and I made enormous progress on growing my hair back. It also helped tremendously that I only had classes half the day, and the rest of the day I was free to do whatever I wanted in Polymer. I wasn't stressed, and my hair showed that. But after the turn of the year, my grandpa started going down hill, graduation was approaching, and every bit of stress I had was coming back to me. By that summer, more had fallen out than it ever had. It sucked. Currently I've changed my regimine a little bit (I can post this eventually if someone wants to know), and it seems to be improving. I have high hopes for the next few months, both in terms of my weight loss and my hair growth. The only real concern I have is that when you lose weight or eat less, your leptin levels go down. And leptin is important in regulating hair growth and appetite (meaning the more weight you lose, the hungrier you get. And the more difficult it is for your hair to grow). I'm fairly positive this is why my hair had the dramatic fallout it did when I lost weight to begin with. I need to know how to keep my leptin levels up to help me lose weight and retain my hair, so that's on my research agenda. Hopefully I can find something to help. That's all for now! Have a good day!