I really want my roommate to not come into my room T v T ) *Warning: Language* Basically, I roomed with my friend Johnathon because Tomo moved back to Japan, and I have basically no other male friends at Millsaps (I have like one and he already has a roommate). I didn't want to move in with Johnathon, because we were roommates freshman year and he was a pretty shitty roommate (was really dirty, had a fuckton of people over to the point that I literally couldn't stay in my room one night because he volunteered my fucking bed), but he was basically my last option because I couldn't afford a single room and didn't want to live with some random person (or be in the freshman dorms for the third year in a row). And to be honest, rooming together freshman year wasn't *that* bad because I was used to how dirty he was at his house; I was just mostly still pissed off about him volunteering my bed to two people without even asking me. But now this year we're "living" together. He has a girlfriend, and always sleeps in her room, but he's decided to just use our room as his living room and it pisses me off. I can't relax in my own room if two people are coming in and out at random. And they're *always* together, so it's like I'm living in a broom closet with two fcking people. It's made worse by the fact that they have a shitton of snacks despite the fact that he knows I have misophonia, so I get extra pissed off if I end up waking up to them eating. It is a hellhole. It's also always hot in the room, thanks to our suitemate ALWAYS CUTTING THE AIR CONDITIONER OFF - EVEN AT NIGHT, and them TURNING OFF MY FUCKING FAN WHEN THEY'RE IN THE ROOM. It's so fucking frustrating. It's like I'm fighting people to live in my room, and everyone thinks they can just come in and use it as their living room and wear their dirty ass shoes, leave soda cans and snack bags every fucking where, use up all my paper towels for whatever damn reason, and never *ever* cleaning or even thanking me for cleaning. It pisses me off. I want to see if maybe somehow I can end up making the case for getting my own single room because of ADA (and my misophonia). But then I have a shitton of furniture, appliances, and everything else that I would have to move out of my room and into somewhere else. It drives me nuts. I'm ready to get this stupid semester over with and not deal with so much shit. I just really, really hope my study abroad goes through and that hopefully somehow I'll be able to live on campus (preferably somewhere else) next semester before I would leave to do study abroad. We shall see.