This past week has been a lot, but I finally was able to get all of my assignments done and pass my last class at the very last minute. I had been praying a lot, and a lot of people had been praying for me, that I'd be able to push myself over the mental barrier and get it all done (without completely wrecking my mental health for months on end again). So, I've officially passed all my classes, and I'm on my way to getting my degree (once I write the final essay that I need to do as a graduation requirement, which doesn't have a time limit, but I'd like to get it done ASAP). Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow or sometime this week and finally be able to put Millsaps behind me. So much of it has been hellish, but some of it was good at least, so I'll be happy to get my degree and just be done. Then I can move on to other things, like hopefully building up enough money to go back to AIU to study Japanese and get a second undergrad degree in International Liberal Arts and Digital Studies. We'll see as time goes on. Other than that, I've finally had some time to recharge over this weekend and also finally cut my hair. I really want a new electronics/computer project to get into in my free time, but I'm not sure what yet. I've been thinking about buying a USB modem with a built-in line voltage simulator so that I can get my Dreamcast online and maybe play a few of the online games available for it. I also really want to solder something up, on a scale similar to my Altair, but that takes a lot of time and money (and also finding the right project). If anyone has any good recommendations, feel free to e-mail them to me ( or to message them to me on Mastodon ( I also really want to get back into listening to IGWH and Bronzie Beat. It's been a whiiile since I was actually actively listening (pretty much dropped off once I started working), but eventually I'll just mosey my way back in and try not to disappear off the face of the Earth again. There's always the archives, yeah, but I feel like 90% of the show for me is interacting on COM/IRC, not necessarily the music itself (which is great, but still). We'll seeee... Bronzie and/or Snowdusk if you're reading this, sorry I've been absent for so long ^^; I promise I'll come back soon. jebug does not have a good sense of time. I'm curious if my fellow Gopher-holers out there have any particular favorite way to/device on which to write their phlogs. Personally I love writing mine on my PowerBook G3 Wallstreet through NiftyTelnet because I love the way that the keyboard feels and Mac OS 9's aesthetic is just so comfortable for me. I have written for my phlog on just PuTTY on regular ol' Windows before and have written it using a VT320 terminal, but I don't know -- something about using my good ol' PowerBook just seems special to me. Maybe it's just that weird writer thing in me where I feel like I have to have certain tools/settings/misc things just to write specific things or to do specific kinds of writing. I once postponed practicing Japanese for months because I didn't have the exact kind of pencil that I wanted to write with. Some assignments I get done I have to either write out on pencil first or actually type them on a typewriter just to get my thoughts through (and whether the typewriter is mechanical or electric is a thing that's influenced too). I really want to know if others, writers or not, have these weird quirks in their writing. Let me know (or phlog about it!). What are yer tools, Unix beards? Anyway that's all for now. I think I might try and write up the essay I need to do on Gopher at some point in the next few days as a phlog, but we'll see how I feel about it. I've been pushing and pulling and prodding at ideas in my mind I have for the essay for a good week now, and right now I'm really just waiting for the mental push to shove myself into it. (Disclaimer that I did actually try to write it once, but it turned into a trauma dump so I threw it out -- gotta avoid that the second time around). Here's to it. Bye for now! ~jebug29