I've not been on SDF in a good few months... I've been swamped with work and people and everything else. But, I just felt like phlogging today, so let's start with answering Christyotwisty's December questions: 1. How far in advance do you like to start planning things? In general, I really dislike having to plan things ahead of time, but I do it when I need to. I guess it really depends, but for small things usually a few days and for bigger things at least a week. I like to do a lot of fun things sponatenously and I like to resolve problems (like being sick) as soon as possible, but I prefer to set back bigger projects and problems. I usually don't like to set them too far ahead, though, or else it stresses me out. 2. What do you hope happens in 2022? I hope I become a millionaire and can retire and apply to go back to school in Japan lol. I also hope the pandemic status finally ends and hopefully governments actually try to work together to resolve all of these supply issues and financial problems. 3. What challenges have you recently overcome? I feel like I've not overcome anything recently. I think I'm a bit stuck at the moment. I did get gas and food today, though. 4. Seasonal traditions you're most excited about Getting two weeks off to sleep (I hope) and exchanging Christmas presents 5. Are you good at directions and maps? I'm pretty good with them, although I'm terrible at telling you at any given instant (especially inside a building) which way is North, South, East, or West and which direction a given building or construct is in. --- I applied for a second job today. I regret doing it in a way, honestly, as I'm not sure I can handle the workload and stay sane, but with only 14.67 an hour at my current job (which is $10.86 after taxes and benefits), I'm struggling to pay the bills and keep myself fed, especially with Sarick and Celina still living here (which hopefully they won't be soon). The job is a part-time position as an associate editor, but I'm not sure yet if since it's work-from-home that they offer a flexible schedule, which I'll need to keep working my first job. We'll see... As an alternative (assuming I get rejected), I may apply for a freelance writing position for some company that does literary guides. That one seems a bit more intense which is why it's my backup, but I'm hoping that they would pay well enough. The one thing that's helped me at all is being able to get out of the house a lot more lately since my friend Paul is out of the military and back home now. He got out back in September and me, him, and Brandon took a road trip from San Diego back to Mississippi at the beginning of October which was pretty fun (although pretty short). It's been basically the only relief I've gotten from dealing with Sarick and Celina. I've been trying to lose weight lately as I'm all the way up to 250+ pounds, but that's been more of a "if it happens, it happens" sort of thing rather than an active effort. I ate McDonald's for lunch and just got a Dominos pizza notification, so I think it's pretty easy to see why that's been a struggle lol. I have been more successfully putting castor oil in my hair every week for the past few weeks, although I've started falling behind again in using minoxidil every day. I've started trying to use Sandalore (synthetic sandalwood odorant) at least once or twice a week with my hair as it's been purported to extend the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle and help people grow their hair back, so hopefully I'll begin to see good results from that in the coming months. Self-care's a bother, but at least my mental health is still miles ahead where it was at the beginning of last year. That's all I really feel like writing for now. I hope everything's going well for everyone! Hopefully I can get back into the groove of listening to aNONradio again if Sarick and Celina would ever leave and I could have some peace and quiet (and my living room) again. Until next time!