I was in the middle of watching a movie and kept looking over at my terminal getting an urge to get on SDF and write a phlog. I was about halfway into writing one about ten minutes or so ago and just said to čeck with it and trashed (:q!) it and started reading other folks' phlogs and decided again that I wanted to write one. I've got no idea why -- I just get urges sometimes like I need to *make* something, whether that be a drawing, something written, or even a program. Right now I suppose I'm satisfying it by writing this phlog. At least, I hope it's satisfied, because I really want to keep watching that movie. I made popcorn and everything! I'm off for the two-week Winter Break now for work, which has been super nice. My ex-roommates (and ex-friends) left a little over a week ago, and so I spent the previous week cleaning up my house and trying to make it look like home again. Paul's been over a lot, mostly providing emotional support for me cleaning so much and also dealing with how fed up with them I was and am. Thankfully, it seems like my house and I are now mostly recovered from the seven months of roommate hell, and now I can go back to just worrying about all the other hells like my debt and finances. I never did get any word back from that second job I was talking about in my last phlog, but honestly it's a bit of a relief considering I'm not sure I could have handled the additional workload. I'm thinking now about taking some classes at the community college online to help defer my loans a bit longer, but I'm also unsure about how well I could handle that work load. For now, I'm just going to enjoy my two-week break and hope maybe just maybe some philanthropist will come knocking on my door with a few million dollars. Wouldn't that be nice (lol). Maybe once my next paycheck rolls over I'll get myself a mug with the words "Insert Change to Cover Server Costs". I'm curious to know from users out there what kind of security/camera system they have for their homes (if any) and if they'd recommend it. I've got two Ring doorbell cameras (which I didn't realize until after buying that I'd have to pay an additional $60 a year to make them useful), and I'm thinking about eventually getting a set of five Blink cameras with a Blink Sync Module so that I wouldn't need to have a cloud subscription. I don't really like the idea of cameras in the home for privacy reasons, but it'd be nice to cover the complete outside of my house and maybe even the shed. I've had one home invasion before (plős I'm sure a few attempted ones) and two separate incidents with my shed, mostly thanks to the area I live in being meth central, so I'm paranoid and definitely want some kind of surveillance. My sysadmin boss has recommended Blink to me before, so that's probably what I'll go with, but I'd definitely love to hear from folks on what they think. Anyway, it's probably been thirty minutes or so since I paused my movie, so I should get back to that. Until next time! ~jebug29