So long Apple, it's been a pleasure Published on Sunday, September 4th, 2016 ...but it's time for me to move on. After ten years of munching apples exclusively, I've decided to return to the sort of awkward but sincere embrace of a Linux PC. I'm sure many are horrified at the prospect, but personally, I've just had it with Apple. Let's talk about the computers. I still adore the machines, I really do. It's just that I've had a harder time lately justifying paying premium for a MacBook that got half the oomph as a PC laptop for 30-50% less. They don't get the overhauls as they used to, leaving me feeling like a second-class citizen in the Apple world where the innovation effort is focused on moronic displays of dazzle (the announcement of the removal of the 3.5 mm audio jack and wireless earbuds for the iPhone 7 just kinda proves my point here) for yet another revision of the iPhone. When was the last time anything really interesting came out for the OS X machines? When did we get something other than polish and iOS-integration? Speaking of second-class citizen, I'm dead tired of having to manage my separate software stack due to the fact that the transplanted BSD userland is a bad joke. Having Homebrew spontaneously rot (hello corrupted git repository, hello sadness) is another matter that made me weary of the whole circus. So, in the light of all that, I started thinking about what I wanted in a development machine, and immediately realized that OS X offered me nothing that I couldn't get in BSD or Linux. I had left Linux because I got sick of being a poor sysadmin when all I wanted was to hack. Apple offered me a solid OS with pretty interface on top of a Unix. How could I say no? Well, I could around a decade later when a Debian install went through without a hitch on a Lenovo Ideapad Y700 (I wanted to play me some recent PC games too) and I suddenly had the development environment that I never realized I had dreamed of. I mean, even the goddamn font rendering has gotten great, especially with Infinality! So here I am, a born-again Linux-person that could do with a banana. *UPDATE 2nd October, 2016*: Linux and Windows _still_ can't coexist peacefully? _Really_? *UPDATE 7th November, 2016*: Got myself a 2nd gen Lenovo X1 Carbon with a Pro Dock for development purposes. The combined cost is still lower than what I'd get if I had rolled with Apple. <3 jzp