The tragedy of being a highly intelligent drunk Published on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 The swedish Mensa had their yearly meetup last weekend, which ended up with police being called to the hotel they were staying at to help stave off the unruly and piss-drunk geniuses. The club president called them "fucking idiots". The participants, once they had sobered up, sent a sheepish bouquet of flowers to the poor harassed receptionist, along with a card stating that even they sometimes had "bad luck while thinking."(!) Much hilarity was had. Laughs all around. I find it even more amusing how much faith people put into the behavior of highly intelligent individuals. Including the highly intelligent individuals in question. People laughing at their antics. The president's acidic response. Their own sad excuse. The expectation (or myth? meme?) is that intelligent people don't behave that way. Except they do, because they are people, and people like to kick back and have fun. The only damning thing in this story is how they can't escape their own expected behavior. Well, that, and acting like frat- morons. That shit's never gonna fly. <3 jzp