Designing a language Published on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 I've been meaning to write this for a long time, but for various reasons, I've never been satisfied with what I'm trying to say. I always end up with a boring, meandering shit-heap of a text. So I'm just going to put it out there: I'm designing a language. Madness! Idiocy! Foolishness! What could possible be gained from this? Well, fun, I guess. It's also an amazing laboratory for playing with various ideas and gut-feelings I have related to everything from hacking to software engineering. I never intended the language to become public, but I have a heap of texts that I think would be nice to share. I felt that I needed some background as to why I've been exploring the topics. I'll write up a proper synopsis on the language along with a few ideas that I want to explore in particular soon-ish. Until then, here's a few points to whet your apetite: * It is a lisp-1, like Scheme. * There is a functional interpreter for a subset of the language written in Common Lisp. - It's also written in a continuation-passing style. * It has first-class macros. * It has first-class continuations. * It supports lexical and dynamic scoping within a single environment. <3 jzp