[ A gaijin once again, jetlagged Well, I accidentally over-wrote the previous entry I made while in the U.S. Back in Japan we are again, my SO and myself, and quite jetlagged. Actually my SO is able to sleep, while I find myself up at 03:24 in the morning. I can hear it raining outside, and it reminds me that Typhoon 10 is on its way here. Our road trip was wonderful; we went somewhere that I hadn't been to in 30 years. The saying goes "You can't go home again" but it felt close to it on this trip. I say that because the U.S. now is not the same U.S. that I know from my childhood. A lot of changes have been really disorientating, and seeing things almost exactly as they were in the 1990s, and experiencing familiar sights and sounds and scents, was a great comfort. Now I have reverse-reverse culture shock, if such a thing exists. I notice that there are no cars here rolling by blasting music, no one is smoking/vaping on the street, cars aren't constantly honking at each other, and people dress differently. I felt like a stranger in the U.S. and that feeling is now going to continue here for a while. This always happens. At least it's not so damn hot anymore over here.