...or is this just another turn on the carousel of life? Today the Flying Pig Ranch & Thistle Farm had to say goodbye to one of the first members of our nature center. Originally it was the one ornimental shrub on the front side of the house. Along with all of the other trees, shrubs, wicked picker blackberries, and yes, even Thistles, this little shrub was allowed to grow until it became a hazard to the house. After having spent ~2 hours with my trusty bow saw finally lopping off a limb that required an 8+ inch cut I came to my senses. I asked our sothern neighbor if he would do the chainsaw work. (I know WAY better than to ask to 'borrow' his chainsaw. WAY better.) He graciously agreed. In less than ~30 minutes +20 standing around gabbin' He and his hardware were able complete the necessary cuts. All totaled it was 4 6+ inch trunks all from a central base. It appears like it will take at least two trips to the Transfer Station (municiple drop-off site for all manner of "disposable" materials). The next part of this chore will be clearing and reattaching the gutter for that section of the house. This is a perfect example of a cascading work flow. The gutter could not have been addressed with the overgrown ornimental shrub (read Tree) was removed. Laying out a further time-line for this project I realized that I was being very libral, spreading the elements over a longer time line than I might have in the past. This reaffirmed something that I have been feeling for some time now: I am old. Only because old is the opposite of young. While my memories are as old as I am, they are memories of a younger me. A "Me" that had stamina and strength. I am 'remembering' now that I am not what I once was. I am not the person that I was. I must acknowledge my new now and correct my expectations of myself and the way I am treated by others. Let it be know throughout the lands; this does not mean that I in any way will surrender. I am sure there is some bit of wisdom from the Tao or Sun Tzu about where true strength comes from but it is simple in my view, "Work smarter not harder."