MY OLD DESKTOP - PENTIUM III Windows ME When I got the HP 7900 Pentium III 1.0 GHz desktop with the Windows Millennium Edition(which came free with the Monitor) its a 2001 desktop. I thought I wasn't sure that this desktop can be of good use for me, but I was completely wrong and I realized it within the first few days. I did read lot of negative reviews about Windows ME but hey I did not face any problems with this desktop and it serves my purpose very well. First of all if you are thinking about security, PII,meII,confidentiality and all that crap, getting exposed and all that, then its best for you to just donate it or use it as a standby system not connected to Internet. While thinking what best I could do to use this system. I started putting things into action. I got the softwares i need from websites like Apache 2.0.65 PHP 5.2.13 MySQL 5.0.15 Mozilla 7Zip 9.2.0 Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0(I know its kind of old but it still works with yahoo) Outlook Express 6(Use it for comcast ISP email) Acrobat Reader 6.0.6 (opens newer pdf file too) Python 2.5 for Windows Citrix Client 9.237.53063 Putty SSH client .62 WinSCP 4.2.9(build 938) Winamp 5.0 Gopherus GCC POSITIVE ITEMS When i hooked up this desktop onto network, started the Apache,mysql viola!! we got out personal web server with MySQL database server up and running, across the network based by Apache, PHP, MySQL. thats the best ever I could do with this Windows. It may be possible that this desktop can support PHP greater than PHP 5.2.13 or Apache 2.0.65. But i havent tried it yet. I am able to connect to my SSH Server in Germany and Sweden. Browse my Gopher hole on MSDOS Read ebooks using Acrobat Reader Using Winamp i was able to stream shoutcast radio - yep! thats right still use it to listen to BBC Radio, PBS Radio, NPR(USA) etc, Some TAMIL Music online Radio. Next step I want to try out if this desktop is good for Linux. I had lots of options but till now I tried 2 live CD.s Knoppix 5.0 and Gentoo (2006) CD and both seem to work flawlessly and good performance too. NEGATIVE ITEMS Flash videos does not work, so sad Adobe flash 9 no longer streams youtube videos(it used to stream before) on this desktop and it has poor performance.