WSL2 - Work Setup ================= All the PCs in the company where I work comes with Windows installed. So I spend my working day in Windows and I constantly use Windows Terminal with a WSL2 session in it. I recently switched from Debian 12 to AlmaLinux 9 in WSL2. AlmaLinux 9's default `.bashrc` includes everey file in `~/.bashrc.d` directory, so I put all of my configurations there. SSH Client ---------- - File: `~/.bashrc.d/ssh-wsl2` ``` # Support for USB Tokens/Fido2 export SSH_SK_HELPER="/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/OpenSSH/ssh-sk-helper.exe" # ssh-agent workaround for WSL2 ssh_pid=$(pidof ssh-agent) if [ "$ssh_pid" = "" ]; then ssh_env="$(ssh-agent -s)" echo "$ssh_env" | head -n 2 | tee ~/.ssh_agent_env > /dev/null fi if [ -f ~/.ssh_agent_env ]; then eval "$(cat ~/.ssh_agent_env)" fi ``` - File: `~/.ssh/config` ``` Include conf.d/* Host * AddKeysToAgent 3h ``` LYNX Browser ------------ - File: `~/.bashrc.d/lynx` ``` export LYNX_CFG=~/.config/lynx/lynx.cfg ``` - File: `~/.config/lynx/lynx.cfg` ``` INCLUDE:/etc/lynx.cfg XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND:explorer.exe $(wslpath -w "%s") & VIEWER:image/*:explorer.exe $(wslpath -w "%s") & ``` Prompt PS1 and PS2 ------------------ - File: `~/.bashrc.d/prompt` ``` # Color list Black='\[\e[0;90m\]' Red='\[\e[0;91m\]' Green='\[\e[0;92m\]' Yellow='\[\e[0;93m\]' Blue='\[\e[0;94m\]' Purple='\[\e[0;95m\]' Cyan='\[\e[0;96m\]' White='\[\e[0;97m\]' Reset='\[\033[m\]' # Preview: # username@hostname > directory > $ # → PS1="$Green\u$Black@$Blue\h $Black>$Yellow \w $Black> $Reset\$ \n$Black→ $Reset" PS2="$Black·$Reset \[\e[m\] " ```