31 May 2021 A bank holiday which actually had sun. I had to go sort the garden as there were no excuses left. A spot of cutting grass for the first time in too many months and weeding. My arm is still sort of dead arm feeling from the jab on Saturday so I felt it. The afternoon has been spent trying to get XFEMM working with Octave. XFEMM is a cross platform version of FEMM, a program for designing electrical machines. There are some nice integrations with Matlab and Octave which woukd be good for work. It has been a long time since I tried to work with Matlab or Octave so there was lots of remembering to do. I managed to get the example working so it is looking promising for getting it working at work. All this as I struggle to trust MotorCAD and I have to build physical versions to learn how off it is. Electrical machines are annoyingly complicated! I also found a good paper on SR machines with embedded permanent magnets.