4 June 2021 A blissfully quiet day at work meant lots of music listening time. I ended up having a bit of a classic metal delight. As a teenager, I listened to lots of Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and other such delights. I occasionally hear the odd song or have a Black Sabbath fest but rarely go for it. Being on my brother's spotify family plan has advantages. Spotify is problematic and I do buy a fair amount of music. Since Google's Play service for playing music I owned shut, I have found myself using Spotify more. Well today was a great example of what Spotify does right. I stuck on a classic metal playlist and had a lovely time listening to songs I have not heard for a long time. I shall be listening to it some more! I also need to find an alternative where I can store music somewhere and access through the cloud without dicking about too much. Open source is ideal but my ethics take a back seat when it gets too difficult to use the open source alternative.