19 June 2021 A lovely day spent with my brother's dogs. Well and my brother and his wife. It has been lovely to catch up and see how they have been coping. My previously meat loving brother has surprised me by going vegan in the week as a general rule. We talked about xooking and random shite really. It has been a while since he has felt normal. He is happy in life and his wife soon will be. Their dogs are lovely. We met up with parenta for dinner. It was nice being down the Barbican woth thw ships and what not. A return to my brother's for drinks. We had a noxe time xhattimg while half cut. My heart goea out to my brothwr and hia wife. They try hard and they miss the pitter patter of non furry feet. Hopefully they get a.surprise one day. Typimg these on my phone is a touxh hard. Please excuse typos.