21 July 2021 So the heat let up a little today. It was a cloudy morning and while the air temperature was still 28 degrees Celcius, it felt almost like it could be a bit chilly. The sun soon burnt through the clouds and it has returned to hot in the afternoons. Pathetic really. It has been a nice excuse to blast some Augustus Pablo, Tappa Zukie and of course, King Tubby while working though. Things get cooler at the weekend and then I can continue reading about stoicism, my latest odd interesting thing to read about. Last night was my last evening with the Scouts for the summer. It would be the last one for Explorers but we are having a camp in a couple of week's time. It will be good to not have to keep thinking things up for each meeting for a bit but I will miss them too. They are a funny bunch and it is nice to see how they develop as people.