26th November 2021 - BEER! Today I cracked open my homebrew. It has been a long 4 weeks waiting for the yeast to do some magic through making alcohol and carbonating. The first pint poured nicely. It does have the colour of an early morning pee while suffering an urinary infection. Thick and hazy. Yet it tastes like a slightly weak american IPA. Being slightly weak makes sense as it ended up being 3.95%. There is a bitter hit which then becomes a bit of a wash over of pine. Single hops explains that simpler flavour. So for next time, I need to work out how to get a more constant temperature for the mash. This will help reach the desired strength by providing the yeast with more sugar to munch on. Another improvement is to use fermenting buckets and bottle into clip top bottles. Now to find a recipe to try for the next brew!!