22nd January 2022 - Sumo Hatsu Day 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written while listening to Publius' A Step Futher Out on Anonradio. So we have reached the penultimate day of Hatsu 2022. It has been an exciting time for sure! There have been upsets, marvels and fun galore so far. At the bottom of the standings, we have Chiyonojuni who was heading for a 0-15 record. However, he managed to sneak it up to 3-11. Otherwise, we have some surprise make-koshis. Well... surprising to me at least. I was hoping for Terutsuyoshi and Tobizaru to have a kachi-koshi but both fell today. Poor salt chucker and flying monkey. Tobizaru has had a fun tournament though and managed some crazy sumo. Other notable make-koshi holders are Ozekis Shodai and Takakeisho as well as newbie Tsurugisho. Next tournament needs a winning record from the Ozeki or they will be kadoban yet again. Poor Kaisei is injured and rather likely to drop to Juryo. For the darwin matches, we have Ura, Ichinojo, Sadanoumi, Chiyomaru, Tochinoshin and Oho. I personally would love Ura, Ichinojo and Oho to get their kachi-koshi. Oho has been fighting well and I have a soft spot for Ura, with his cheeky grin, and Ichinojo. With winning records, we have the likes of Kotoeko (finally!), Aoiyama, Tamawashi, Ishiura and Hoshoryu. Some great bouts with these guys and some confusing injuries. Hoshoryu head butted the dohyo and learnt it is hard today against Shodai. This lead to a rematch which Hoshoryu won. For the contenders, we have Mitakeumi (12-2) being chased by Terunofuji, Abi and Kotonowaka at 11-3. It has been a 3 way race between Mitakeumi, Abi and Terunofuji for most of the basho but Kotonowaka snuck up to be a contender. There is an interesting question as to whether Mitakeumi will be promoted finally. I think a yusho will clinch it but who knows? With the state of the Ozeki, it would be good to add Mitakeumi there. I think he might end up yo-yoing into kadoban status but he might surprise me. Tomorrow will be an exciting set of bouts! Hakkeyoi!