6th May 2022 - Natsu 2022 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So the dohyo has been built and the first days bouts announced. This means we are a day or so away from the first bouts of another sumo tournament. Only 2 seikitori have been announced as kyujo - Ishiura and Ichinojo. Ishiura seems to still be suffering from his injury from the last tournament. Ichninojo is out thanks to contact with a Covid infected person at his heya (stable). In terms of story line, we really have only a couple to look out for. The first is whether Terunofuji, our sole yokozuna will fight all 15 bouts. Hopefully his injuries are gone thanks to some rest. The other story is Wakatakakage who won the last basho. This could be the start of an ozeki run although slightly lower a number of bouts than desirable. Of course, we also have the delights of seeing how Hoshoryu gets on. He is destined for great things but it is all a question of when. With his skills, it should be soon but the mind games seem to be a key hinderance. As ever, we shall have an entertaining basho with fantastic displays of skill and power. Hakkeyoi on Sunday everyone!