6th November 2022 - Death ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last Friday, my Grandad died. He had been ill for a pretty long time. His quality of life hasn't been great for the past 5 years but it has really tanked in the last year. He had a few strokes and heart attacks which left him bed ridden. I am glad he is not sufferring any more and I am glad for my Grandma. She was making herself ill trying to care for him. Since he fell ill again last Tuesday, she has spent all of her time with him and moistening his lips. Thankfully she no longer has to do that. It has been weird. Everyone has been ready for this to happen and simply seems glad for him to have finally passed. I normally clam up and struggle to talk but actually managed a full conversation with my dad. The only time I have struggled was to tell my other Grandma. Mostly due to her dementia really. I don't think it is worth upsetting her but it is hard to talk about him as if he is alive. There was also a slightly strange overwhelming feeling of emotion while driving on the M6. Thankfully kept it all together while the car was moving. Death can be a terrible thing but it can also be good. It all depends on when and how it happens.