5th August 2024 - Red Rose Day 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today started off dry. This eas a big win over the forecast. My lot had Global day. This was a series of activities which had a vague theme. There were powered go karts, bl3nd your own smoothies using pedal power, henna, various crafts, dry stone walling and fencing. As any good leader should, I had a go on a few. Fencing was fun but bloody hard work. A 30 minute session was plenty. The kids had to complete 10 actovities in total. There is a very loud group next to us who chat late into the night. Most annoying but at least my uae of ear plugs with added tinnitus fun times can mostly vlock them out. There has been some grumpy young people as a result. Hopefully tonoght is a change but I hear chatting as I type this at half 11 at night. The heavens opened this afternoon and has provided that fwstival feel. The walk to the toilets is a bog and slipping is a serious risk. It should dry out but it is still minging. A fellow leader walked to the toilets in a pair of sliders. Those toes were covered in mud afterwards. The temperature remains good. Nothing too cold or too warm. Sitting around 12C at night with highs around 22C in the day. Tomorrow is a day.of sitting on a chair.and watching this lot do a whole load of water activities. No chance of joining in but there is a cafe. There is also a night time hiking game for the Explorers. Best get some kip as I will have to wait up for those to hopefully return back at 2am.