30th August 2024 - Weird Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recently I have ended up with a couple of changes which have ended up making weird improvements to life. The first improvement was to change my phone to a keyboard I can resize. I use Simple Keyboard on Android and I thought making the keyboard bigger would help improve the accuracy of my typing. Ha! It made it worse. However, by making the keyboard to 75% of size, I found my typing accuracy improved a lot. Turns out my thumbs are short and the stretching was the issue. It has worked well so far. The second involvement was to start brushing my teeth with both hands. Not at the same time but using the left hand to brush the teeth on the right side of the mouth and the right hand to brush the teeth on the left side. It came as a recommendation on Mastodon following my weird experience of trying to brush my teeth with my non dominant hand. I have ended up with a dodgy tendon related pain in the right thumb and so that forced the use of my left hand. It feels wrong and disorientating, However, if you alternate hands, the brushing feels wrong still but the teeth feel cleaner. Perhaps it is the slowing down of the brushing, perhaps something else. The recommendation was due to a dentist comment about the brusher being left handed and it being obvious to a dentist. Very weird but surprisingly effective!