The emporium of lost thoughts (Phlog-style!)
       Here is an index of everything I've written on my phlog. The conten
       will vary somewhat from my WordPress blog:
  HTML The emporium of lost thoughts (WordPress)
       which you are also welcome to check out.
       +++ PHLOG INDEX: +++
  TEXT 2019-03-18 - Delayed Gratification
  TEXT 2019-02-08 - A Belated Infodump
  TEXT 2019-01-19 - Boredom and Brilliance?
  TEXT 2019-01-17 - Something Different
  TEXT 2019-01-07 - Productiveness
  TEXT 2019-01-05 - New Year, New Strategies
  TEXT 2018-12-29 - Holiday Week
  TEXT 2018-12-22 - What The Hell
  TEXT 2018-12-15 - House Rules
  TEXT 2018-12-08 - Saturday Summation
  TEXT 2018-12-04 - Fiddling with Tasks
  TEXT 2018-12-01 - Maps and Saturday Work
  TEXT 2018-11-30 - Bloody Hell
  TEXT 2018-11-28 - Busy Busy Busy
  TEXT 2018-11-27 - Vacation Request Away!
  TEXT 2018-11-26 - Dismal Day
  TEXT 2018-11-24 - Bonus Work and Character Questionnaires
  TEXT 2018-11-23 - "Something"
  TEXT 2018-11-22 - Activity But No Action
  TEXT 2018-11-21 - Reports and Testing
  TEXT 2018-11-20 - Odds and Ends
  TEXT 2018-11-19 - Rooms, Pathfinder Hacks, and Tech Support Woes
  TEXT 2018-11-16 - Friday and Common Lisp
  TEXT 2018-11-15 - Ragged
  TEXT 2018-11-14 - Query Questions and Moving Rooms
  TEXT 2018-11-13 - Last Day
  TEXT 2018-11-12 - Users
  TEXT 2018-11-09 - End of a Week
  TEXT 2018-11-08 - We Got RPGs Tonight!
  TEXT 2018-11-07 - Swamped
  TEXT 2018-11-06 - Today's Slog
  TEXT 2018-11-05 - Crazy Monday
  TEXT 2018-11-03 - Weekend Post!
  TEXT 2108-11-02 - Insert Productivity Slogan Here
  TEXT 2018-11-01 - The Crappiest Month of the Year
  TEXT 2018-10-31 - Halloween!
  TEXT 2018-10-30 - Prepare for Halloween
  TEXT 2018-10-29 - Labour, Football, and Food!
  TEXT 2018-10-26 - TGIF and Books
  TEXT 2018-10-25 - Work Stress
  TEXT 2018-10-24 - Games and Work
  TEXT 2018-10-23 - Exercise and Adventure!
  TEXT 2018-10-22 - Voting and Other Things
  TEXT 2018-10-19 - Stayin' Alive
  TEXT 2018-10-18 - Aging Parent
  TEXT 2018-10-17 - Plotting Out My Next WordPress Blog Post
  TEXT 2018-10-16 - Just a Few Things...
  TEXT 2018-10-15 - Busy Work
  TEXT 2018-10-12 - Frustration
  TEXT 2018-10-11 - Working Title :-)
  TEXT 2018-10-09 - Birthday Musings
  TEXT 2018-10-07 - Holiday Hanging Around
  TEXT 2018-10-05 - Got Some Writing Done!
  TEXT 2018-10-03 - Too Many Things To Do
  TEXT 2018-10-01 - Better Day
  TEXT 2018-09-30 - Grey Day/Grey Mood
  TEXT 2018-09-27 - Hello World!