Welcome to Dr. Rev. J "Kirch" Kirchartz's Gopherspace!
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       @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  
       @@!  !@@  @@!  @@!  @@@  !@@       @@!  @@@  
       @!  @!!  !@!  !@!  @!@  !@!       !@!  @!@  
       @!@@!@!   !!@  @!@!!@!   !@!       @!@!@!@!  
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       !: :!!   !!:  !!: :!!   :!!       !!:  !!!  
        ::  :::   ::  ::   :::   ::: :::  ::   :::  
        :   :::  :     :   : :   :: :: :   :   : :  
       Links around the Web
  HTML My Website
  HTML Chat, Usenet, and Text Message Acronyms and Abbreviations
  HTML My Masto
       Links around the Gophersphere
   DIR Me At Tilde.Team
  TEXT Why is Gopher Still Relevant?
  TEXT The Small Internet
  TEXT Posix Shell Scripting Survival Guide
   DIR Fuckup Solutions
   DIR Cosmic Voyage
       My Gopherhole
   DIR ..                                                                
   DIR ascii                                 2017-Jun-30 16:11   --------
   DIR phlog                                 2018-Mar-12 18:47   --------
  TEXT The-Machine-Stops_EM-Forster.txt      2017-Nov-28 15:13    66.8 KB
  TEXT gopher-manifesto.txt                  2017-Nov-22 15:39    11.0 KB
  TEXT howl_allen-ginsberg.txt               2017-Nov-22 20:41    22.6 KB