       Stardate: 20240705.1541
       Location: Capital One Cafe
       Input Device: Steam Deck with folding BT keyboard + Xreal glasses
       Audio: Capital One muzak
       Visual: CoolRetroTerm with transparent display...seeing pedestrians
               since I am seated by the window.
       Emotional: ah's all cybah 'n shit
       Yes, it has been some time since the last time I phlog'd.  Yes, I 
       went through some shit, and that has come to pass, so I am where I 
       at now, which is writing this phost.  I have basically gone 
       non-participatory and have not had much desire to plug in.  It wasn
       any kind of conscious decision I made, it was just something that 
       just happened.  I just stopped.  The time I would usually spend doi
       my online activities were replaced with more analog activities and 
       connecting with people in meatspace...to an extent.  I am still 
       hyper-sensitive to getting easily flooded by being around too much 
       stimuli, but I have found some tools (not weapons) to help me keep 
       on the m0ar manageable side.
       Geekin' out is still part of what I do, but very low-key.  No real 
       projects or anything, just tinkering around.  The video games I pla
       are mostly offline/single player.  Still fun, but I try not to play
       too much.  I know how I can end up living in that space for too lon
       Work has been non-existent.  I have not been looking since I lost m
       last job.  Currently a non-issue for now, but could be potentially 
       damaging in the future.  Much of the working hours are spent doing 
       volunteer work helping others.  It feels so much more fulfilling th
       any job ever has, but unfortunately, it does not pay legal tender.
       New music creation has not been on the radar lately.  I think the 
       capacity is there, just kinda dormant and not quite ready for 
       expression.  I still continue to practice daily and try to learn ne
       songs when I get inspired.  But they are not my own creation and 
       usually just tied to some memory of the past...ain't nothin' wrong 
       wid dat.
       I am still writing/journaling quite a bit, but I have hot been 
       posting anything.  Most of my thoughts these days seem a bit 
       irrelevant...well, what I would think of irrelevant to most people,
       but what do I know.  Anyhow, I have made my writing terminal a bit 
       m0ar elaborate...a number of upgrades.  I have basically taken my 
       Steam Deck and added a folding bluetooth keyboard, bluetooth mouse,
       and wired face-mounted display.  It is a bit much, but I really fin
       myself enjoying this current configuration. 
       I had picked up the Steam Deck awhile back when I decided to turn m
       old Steam Box (Alienware Alpha R1) into a Linux workstation.  I did
       not want to do both gaming and workstation stuff on the same 
       computer, so I separated the tasks into 2 machines.  The Steam Deck
       seems to scratch that gaming itch, but I find myself doing m0ar 
       terminal-based stuff on this device.  That seems to be the trend 
       with a lot of the hardware I've used over the years.  If I can run 
       stuff in a terminal and make it work for  me, I will default to 
       that...just run things lean.
       The cybah rig that I have previously phosted [1] about has basicall
       been pushed into the archives.  I don't think that I will be making
       any further iterations of that device.  It still works and all, but
       each time I "upgrade" it, I am not so thrilled with using it.  The 
       face-mounted display is way too old school and pixelated compared t
       the hardware of now.
       The face-mounted display I am using now is the Xreal/Nreal Air.  It
       connects directly to the Steam Deck via USB-C cable, which also 
       powers the display.  The display glasses are not cumbersome at all 
       and are basically what I had hoped my previous displays to be.  The
       ones I've used in the past were a pain to set up and had a lot of 
       cables/equipment attached to it.  I could stand using it every now 
       and then, but I think I would spend m0ar time fussing with it and 
       being frustrated with it instead of using it.  The Xreal Air glasse
       are so much m0ar bettar!  The displays, the resolution, the audio, 
       the design, pretty much all of it is a big upgrade from the devices
       of the past.  It is much m0ar portable and easier to set up/stow 
       The glasses basically look like black sunglasses with a cable 
       sticking out of it.  They are much more discreet than the cumbersom
       looking goggles like the VR setups I see out there these days.  I a
       not so interested in those devices, especially with my experience 
       with the previous displays.  Adding more features, like head tracki
       or special controllers would just add to the frustration for me.   
       Plus, I get nauseous if I wear any face-mounted display for too lon
       even if there is no movement.  Vomitting in an expensive VR helmet 
       not on my list of things to do. 
       One of the things that I like about the Air glasses is that I can 
       take off the "immersion" lense cover/blinder and see behind my 
       screen.  Right now, I am seated by the window in the cafe and it is
       mid-afternoon.  I have Cool Retro Term running full screen for this
       phost and I can look out of the window and see the pedestrians walk
       by behind my terminal, like having a tranparent background for my 
       desktop/terminal, except that the background is meatspace, which is
       rad!  Since it is bright outside, it is easy to see the background.
       The text gets washed out, so I look back at the table.  Since I 
       can touch-type, I can stare out the window and still type and enjoy
       the animated transparent background of meatspace ;)  
       "The gurlz in their summer clothes pass me by..."
       There's probably some application of augmented reality that this 
       could be used for, but I have not ventured into that subject yet.  
       Not ready to go mobile or anything like that right now.  Even going
       to a cafe with this setup took some courage...I wasn't sure if it 
       would seem too strange.  I have taken older devices out in public 
       before and it felt strange with weird stares.  This round, it seems
       much m0ar discreet and I haven't seen any weird stares.
       Another thing I like are the speakers built into the arms of the 
       glasses.  This makes it convenient and I don't need to bring a pair
       of headphones unless I need better audio or privacy.  My previous 
       Olympus FMD had earbuds attached to to the arms of the glasses that
       you could put in your ears, which were cool too, but the thin wires
       deteriorated over time. 
       The glasses came in a zippered case that is like an oversized eye 
       glasses case, which can store the glasses, cable, cleaning cloth an
       glasses cover and make it easy to transport.  I just throw this, 
       the Steam Deck, mouse, and keyboard in a bag and go.
       The keyboard I am using is a bluetooth folding keyboard made by a 
       company called, "Royal Kludge."  Interesting name. Model RK-F68.  
       This one is probably one of the most comfortable portable folding 
       keyboards that I have typed on for portable journaling/phlogging.  
       have used many over the years, going back to the Palm PDA days and 
       am really enjoying this current iteration of this kind of device.  
       has mechanical keys and can be backlit.  You can turn it off if you
       want to save power.  It can also be plugged in via the included USB
       cable if you don't wanna use it via blootoof...and when the interna
       battery goes bad, which will eventually happen.
       The keyboard folds in half with the hinge horizontal to the keyboar
       All of the other folding keyboards in the past, the hinge was 
       veritical.  This was a problem when you wanted to type with the 
       folding keyboard in your lap.  The keyboard would not be stable and
       would fold up, unless you had a book or something to keep it stable
       With the hinge being horizontal, it sits just fine in my lap 
       without folding up.  It also has some weight to it that the other 
       past keyboards lacked, which makes it feel more sturdy and helps it
       stay in place.
       There is also a phone stand built in, which I have yet to use.  It 
       meant for thin phones or maybe a small tablet and could be convenie
       if I used that kind of device.
       The only thing I have found so far that I do not like about this 
       keyboard is the fact that it folds with the keys on the outside.  
       Even though it came with a soft cloth case, I still worry about it 
       getting damaged if I put it in my bag.  It would have been better t
       have more rigid material for the case.  I would have paid m0ar mone
       for that.  I will probably try to find a better one or make a more 
       protective case.
       I think I have rambled on too long.  Time to disco and do something
   DIR [1] cybah_rig version 3