       Stardate: 20240712.2101 
       Location: Kitchen table
       Input Device: Gemini PDA
       Audio: Fan
       Visual: Turkey sandwich, pretzels, ssh session.
       Emotional: interested.
       xiled's OCC v4 Rules of Engadgement:
       Have fun!
       Old Handheld Computers Only!
       No laptops or netbooks.
       Start and stop time will be local.
       Document the happenings, good, bad, fugly.
       Focus is on creating and exploring, not consuming.
       Updates will be done via gopher.
       OCC v4 is not InstallFest 2024!
       Only essential job search and household tasks (bills, banking, etc.
       can use a recent device, if no old computer option is available.
       Tasks for OCC 2024:
       Explore methods of connecting with others via old devices.
       Update the xiled personal computing saga.
       Continue work on building out gopherhole.
       Explore phlogosphere/gopherspace for places I ain't never been.