STARDATE: 20240715.2213
       LOCATION: The Lab 
       INPUT DEVICE: palmOne Tungsten E2 + palmOne IrDa folding keyboard
       AUDIO: Fan
       VISUAL: Lab clutter, DataViz Word To Go
       EMOTIONAL: Not now. 
       OCC Day ][:
       Not much time for OCC, aside from PIM stuff on the go and some 
       journaling.  There was much meatspace stuff going on...met with som
       friends at a community picnic and won the raffle, did a bunch of 
       walking, practiced guitar, took a nap, etc.
       The time I did have for OCC was mostly on the E2, getting resituate
       with the PIM stuff and browsing stuff that was on there from before
       I think I give myself m0ar time to think when I use PalmOS and the 
       PIM apps are very simple and not distracting as modern devices.  
       Also, I miss the precision of a stylus on a resistive screen.  No 
       fat-fingering or fingerprints!
       The N900 stuff was mostly setup and troubleshooting.  The bluetooth
       keyboard I was using will only type lowercase alpha keys, so for 
       everything else, I had to use the thumb keyboard.  I gotta find a 
       better way.
       OCC Day ]|[
       I decided to go with a table top TV/monitior setup for the N900.  
       It's one I use for my retro gaming on a Raspberry Pi.  The TV has a
       RCA jack, which the N900 interfaces with.
       Terminal work on the N900 has been frustrating since half of the 
       time, I am thumb typing.  Must find better solution..
       Since I have not been personal computing much in recent days, there
       hasn't been much need to do anything resource intensive...but my 
       choice in hardware is making things difficult for Intarwebz stuff. 
       So I end up doing without.  m0ar time doing analogue things, like 
       reading, talking to people, walking, playing guitar.  It doesn't gi
       me much to write about in regards to te challenge.  I do feel like 
       I'm computing like back in the day, where online time was limited a
       most computing time was offline.  The time online for OCC is mainly
       to upload phosts.  Once I improve my keyboard situation with the 
       N900, I should have m0ar options for stuff to do online.  Or maybe 
       the bulk of this challenge will have me mostly offline.  Atleast th
       screen for the N900 is bigger now with the TV.