STARDATE: 20240717.2246
       LOCATION: The Lab 
       INPUT DEVICE: palmOne Tungsten E2 + palmOne IrDa folding keyboard
       AUDIO: Dead Milkmen - Beelzebubba 
       VISUAL: Palm Memos, lab clutter
       EMOTIONAL: Off, like not on.
        - OCC Frustratiuon
        - Bhajis Loops
        - palm juarez and palmdb.net
       There is further frustration with the limits of the challenge, 
       Again, not much network stuff going on...I think I just need to set
       aside any expectations of what I thought this was going to be and 
       do what I can with what I got...just let the experience unfold as 
       it will.  I am able to visit gopherholes and do other things...just
       differently.  I was not planning on any extensive or serious 
       personal computing projects...more like having a leisurely visit to
       the past with my aging hard/soft/wet-ware...and gain a different 
       appreciation of what I do and use now.
       Today I messed around a bit with Bhajis Loops on the E2.
       "Bhajis Loops is an all-in one tool dedicated to the composition of
       music for PalmOS Handhelds."
       This application seems to have a lot of features.  I installed this
       some time ago but have not spent the time to really explore.  They 
       have the software on palmdb.net with registration #'s or ways to 
       unlock the full version.
       Palmdb.net has a whole library of old palm software.  It is my go 
       to place when looking for the old favorites...or even discovering 
       new old favorites.  I remember when the site first started and they
       would have zip files of the entire collection.  I think other users
       also contributed their own collections as well.
       j00 gots palm juarez, man???  
       0-day palm juarez, bruh!!! LOLZ!!!  
       The collections were small, but growing.  Eventually, it got big 
       enough to house all kinds of software individually with a database 
       and search engine.  Not sure how legit all of these titles/reg#s 
       are, but I'm glad the resource is there.  I know that some authors 
       have donated the software or put it in the public domain.  The 
       author of Bhajis Loops gave it to the community and even used to 
       have a reg key generator on their website for your HotSync ID.  The
       site is no longer there, but it is available in the archives.
       I am having to learn Bhajis Loops cookbook style...yes, I kinda 
       cheated for OCC...I have the documentation opened on my laptop and 
       learning on the E2.  PalmOS doesn't multi-task and it would be a 
       pain to switch back and forth.
       I have already found some limitations with running the program, 
       just navigating around, trying to learn, the application has 
       crashed 2x.  I wouldn't want that to happened if I'm in the middle 
       of working on something and lose my work.  I think it might have to
       do with power (or lack of) or maybe a memory thing, I'll have to 
       play around with it m0ar.
       The author of Bhajis Loops also has a.nother music app that I want 
       to explore next called microbe.  It is also available at 
       palmdb.net.  I'll try that one later.