       Stardate: 20240906.1450 
       Location: Central Library
       Input Device: Steam Deck with folding BT keyboard + FMD 
       Audio: aNONradio - The Third Ear w/ tyn
       Visual: FMD + CRT + nano + transparent background of libraryspace
       Energy: 70%
       Mental: 80%
       Emotional: A'ight, cooling down.  
       Man, it's still friggin' hawt outside.  It's 114F right now so I ha
       to take refuge over at the library.  Hope I don't get sick from goi
       in and out of A/C and being around the unhoused, who also take 
       refuge up in har.
       Both child processes are away ingesting some higher education away 
       from home.  I am now an "empty nester."  I do miss them, but so far
       it is ok.  Unfortunately, my SO is having a harder time, so my job 
       now is to be m0ar supportive and available.  I'm still not so used 
       doing those kinds of things since I have my loner tendencies and ju
       take care of myself most of the time, but having a family and 
       dependents have given me much practice in not being so caught up in
       Lately, I have found myself watching Fear the Walking Dead and 
       playing 7 Days To Die (a zombie survival craft game) during my 
       downtime.  It seems to be what I've been gravitating to for some ki
       of strange comfort...that whole survival theme.  Before that, it wa
       other video games and media, Rust, The Forest, Green Hell, 
       Walking Dead (the show and visual novel), etc....and these were 
       usually consumed during hard times.  Maybe I go there when my 
       analogue, meatspace life is going through 
       transistions/challenges...and the media helps me process and cope. 
       Whatever it is, I am made aware of that pattern right now.  There 
       doesn't seem to be anything I need to do with that knowledge at the