Yargo's glog, in reverse chronological order TEXT Alternativen zu WhatsApp // 21-01-17 [904 words] TEXT Ja zum % und Nein zum Geschlechtersternchen // 19-... [435 words] TEXT Demokratie und E-Voting // 19-5-4 [497 words] TEXT Unsere Freiheit, das Internet ungehindert zu nutze... [268 words] TEXT Reusing glog for German Newsletter // 18-1-13 [119 words] TEXT Alarm Buttons Fail Because of Software Upset by Ne... [245 words] TEXT Ryumin's Dome Operational // 18-11-30 [222 words] TEXT Coding is Writing // 18-11-19 [353 words] TEXT Busy Days and Ryumin's Dome // 18-11-15 [308 words] TEXT Public Access UNIX Systems and Resilience // 18-11... [306 words] TEXT plog reviewed // 18-9-15 [70 words] TEXT Ready Player One - All You Need Is Text // 18-8-19... [305 words] TEXT FreeBSD on workplace ASUS and private Acer Aspire ... [464 words] TEXT CWONDR, another Morse/CW project // 18-7-14 [219 words] TEXT humans care about pollution, robots give a sh.t //... [683 words] TEXT Reconsidering Preparedness // 18-6-13 [160 words] TEXT Setting Limits for Children (re: sysdharma) // 18-... [265 words] TEXT Geldspielgesetz NEIN // 18-5-25 [910 words] TEXT FreeBSD on Acer AspireOne // 18-5-1 [229 words] TEXT Bellybugs -- Parent's Pleasures // 18-4-8 [161 words] TEXT cronwatch with gopher : allows to kick HTTP server... [114 words] TEXT gopherlog mirror // 18-3-18 [118 words] TEXT Conference Day 2 / redundancy of gopherholes // 18... [586 words] TEXT leaving flu at home / ed, troff / hotel mess // 18... [656 words] TEXT more, troff&co, ed&co, FIFO&TTY [550 words] TEXT Acer Aspire ONE and BSD // 18-2-17 [238 words] TEXT Preparents // 18-2-17 [442 words] TEXT everyday carry (EDC) // 18-2-15 [517 words] TEXT Alertswiss or the "Swiss Government Preppers" // 1... [946 words] TEXT resilience, alertswiss // 18-2-9 [168 words] TEXT plogging (in) the plogosphere // 18-2-7 [192 words] TEXT Inter-Phlog Communication, Conference and Gopher [258 words] TEXT Bitmessage, Photomask Design, Lesbian Gophers [418 words] TEXT gophertility: inspiration by simplicity [333 words] TEXT prepper fiction: falling off the grid, part 2 [851 words] TEXT fiction: falling off the grid, part 1 [1016 words] TEXT Synchronized Gopherholes (18-1-11) [624 words] TEXT Giga-Pee (17-11-14) [218 words] TEXT simple HTTP publishing of Git repositories [315 words] TEXT Phlogs, link collection, work-related gopher [240 words] TEXT Learn Open Things: TeX and Co vs Adobe and Co [341 words] TEXT bad design of Swatch internet time [293 words] TEXT obsolescence, batteries [279 words] TEXT Digital Audio Bullshit [309 words] TEXT obsolescence and old equipment [299 words] TEXT self reliance and resilience, intro [354 words] TEXT back on grex.org [125 words] TEXT Sleep journal [334 words] TEXT less sugar, more creation [190 words] TEXT Altmaenner-Hobbies [86 words] TEXT new start [120 words] TEXT Nochmals: Taschengeld -- "gratis", oder besser als... [516 words] TEXT Taschengeld -- "gratis", oder besser als Lohn? [361 words] TEXT Plog revisited: Example setup [342 words] TEXT Lists for Organizing Work [1210 words] TEXT Plog reviewed [932 words] TEXT Combining worlds: blogging and glogging [344 words] // generated by allpub.sh v3.1 //