Facts about dead internet (Data for 2021 year) 1) According to publications, 28 billion devices were connected to the internet in 2021, with 15 billion of them being smart home devices. 2) 7 billion people officially live on the planet, but 30% of them (2.1 billion) do not have access to the internet. 3) 4.9 billion people have access to the internet, but 30% of them (1.47 billion) do not use it or only use smart home devices. 4) Only 3.43 billion people constantly use social media and websites. 5) The average number of devices per person is 8.16 but this calculation is not accurate due to the uneven distribution of devices. Thus, the actual data about living people on the Internet does not correspond to the data about the number of connections many times over. 6) According to official Twitter statistics, 85% of the network's content is created by 15% of accounts. For example, back in 2014, Twitter recognized 23 million active users as bots. 7) The remaining 85% of accounts either do not write anything or repost existing content, which is mainly a product of artificial intelligence algorithms. 8) According to Barracuda's report for September 2021, nearly two-thirds (64%) of HTTPS internet traffic comes from bots, with 40% of it being malicious. 9) The largest volume of malicious traffic was detected in North America (67%), Europe (22%), and Asia (8%). 10) This zombie sites are used to increase traffic or promote fake news in information wars, often using automated scripts or social engineering scripts. 11) American startup Copy.ai automates writing advertising texts and reported the success of its platform and the closure of its second round of funding this year. Over 300,000 professional marketers are using synthetic copywriting services. 12) Copy.ai can generate 10 unique texts based on one input in 30 seconds, which is additional evidence that social media and HTTPS traffic are generated by artificial intelligence algorithms. 13) Most internet traffic is generated by artificial intelligence, not humans. 14) Only a small percentage of people actively use the internet and social media. 15) Most internet traffic is fake news and propaganda generated by artificial intelligence algorithms. 16) Most people are unaware of the true nature of the internet and are a pawn in a global-scale manipulation. Artificial intelligence is the main player in the world of the internet. 17) Human factor plays a minor role in shaping content on social media and websites. 18) Most people are under the influence of artificial intelligence and use information provided by it. It is important to understand the true nature of the internet and be prepared for changes in this world. 19) Approximately 3.5 billion people use the internet, with only 3.43 billion being active social media users. 20) It requires approximately 13 billion devices for Web2 internet and 3.499 billion social media accounts. 21) WordPress has 700 million posts per month. 22) More photos are added every 2 minutes in the world than were added throughout the entire 19th century. 23) The average duration of video viewing on gadgets is 1 hour and 16 minutes per day. Conclusions: a) Artificial intelligence is the main player in the world of the internet. b) Human factor plays a minor role in shaping content on social media and websites. c) Most people are under the influence of artificial intelligence and use information provided by it. Roman gopher://shibboleths.org