TABLE OF CONTENTS Rectangle.mui/Rectangle.mui Rectangle.mui/MUIA_Rectangle_HBar Rectangle.mui/MUIA_Rectangle_VBar Rectangle.mui/Rectangle.mui Rectangle class seems kind of useless since it doesn't define any attributes or methods itself. However, objects of this type are frequently used in every application. They allow insertion of space to control MUI's layout process. Rectangle.mui/MUIA_Rectangle_HBar NAME MUIA_Rectangle_HBar -- (V7 ) [I.G], BOOL FUNCTION When set to TRUE, MUI draws a horizontal bar in the middle of the rectangle. Such bars can be used instead of group frames to seperate objects in a window. EXAMPLE /* draw a two pixel high bar in the middle of an 8 pixel high rectangle */ RectangleObject, MUIA_Rectangle_HBar, TRUE, MUIA_FixHeight, 8, End; SEE ALSO MUIA_Rectangle_VBar Rectangle.mui/MUIA_Rectangle_VBar NAME MUIA_Rectangle_VBar -- (V7 ) [I.G], BOOL FUNCTION When set to TRUE, MUI draws a vertical bar in the middle of the rectangle. Such bars can be used instead of group frames to seperate objects in a window. EXAMPLE /* draw a two pixel wide bar in the middle of an 8 pixel wide rectangle */ RectangleObject, MUIA_Rectangle_HBar, TRUE, MUIA_FixWidth, 8, End; SEE ALSO MUIA_Rectangle_HBar .