TABLE OF CONTENTS toolmanager.library/AllocTMHandle toolmanager.library/ChangeTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/CreateTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/DeleteTMObject toolmanager.library/FreeTMHandle toolmanager.library/QuitToolManager toolmanager.library/AllocTMHandle toolmanager.library/AllocTMHandle NAME AllocTMHandle -- Allocate a ToolManager handle SYNOPSIS handle = AllocTMHandle() D0 void *AllocTMHandle(void) FUNCTION Allocates a ToolManager handle, a private data structure. All ToolManager objects will be attached to a handle. The library function uses the handle to access the objects. RESULTS handle - pointer to the new allocated handle or NULL. SEE ALSO FreeTMHandle() toolmanager.library/ChangeTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/ChangeTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/ChangeTMObjectTags toolmanager.library/ChangeTMObjectTags NAME ChangeTMObjectTagList -- Change the properties of a ToolManager object SYNOPSIS success = ChangeTMObjectTagList(handle, object, tags) D0 A0 A1 A2 BOOL ChangeTMObjectTagList(void *, char *, struct TagItem *) success = ChangeTMObjectTags(handle, object, tag1, ...) BOOL ChangeTMObjectTags(void *, char *, ULONG, ...) FUNCTION Changes the properties of a ToolManager object according to the supplied tags. All derived objects will be automagically updated to reflect the new properties. INPUTS handle - pointer to a ToolManager handle. object - pointer to name of the ToolManager object to change. The object must be attached to the handle. tags - list of TagItems, which describe the properties to be changed. See CreateTMObjectTagList() for a list of all available tags. RESULTS success - TRUE if properties were changed, otherwise FALSE. SEE ALSO CreateTMObjectTagList() toolmanager.library/CreateTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/CreateTMObjectTagList toolmanager.library/CreateTMObjTags toolmanager.library/CreateTMObjTags NAME CreateTMObjectTagList -- Create a ToolManager object SYNOPSIS success = CreateTMObjectTagList(handle, name, type, tags) D0 A0 A1 D0 A2 BOOL CreateTMObjectTagList(void *, char *, ULONG, struct TagItem *) success = CreateTMObjectTags(handle, name, type, Tag1, ...) BOOL CreateTMObjectTags(void *, char *, ULONG, ULONG, ...) FUNCTION Creates a new ToolManager object of the given type. The properties will be set according to the supplied tags. The new object will be attached to the ToolManager handle. The following tags are currently supported, see the documentation for a detailed description. NOTE: Every data item referenced by a pointer will NOT BE COPIED! It must therefore exist for the lifetime of the object! Object type: TMOBJTYPE_EXEC - TMOP_Arguments (BOOL) - TMOP_Command type depending on TMOP_ExecType - TMOP_CurrentDir (char *) - TMOP_ExecType (ULONG) One of: - TMET_CLI TMOP_Command contains a pointer to string - TMET_WB " - TMET_ARexx " - TMET_Dock " - TMET_HotKey " - TMET_Hook TMOP_Command contains a pointer to a Hook structure (see utility/hooks.h). When the exec object is activated, ToolManager will call h_Entry with a pointer to the Hook structure in A0 (hook), a pointer to an AppMessage in A1 (message, this may be NULL) and the value of h_Data in A2 (object). The function must return a BOOL (TRUE for success, FALSE for failure). NOTE: The function will be called synchronously and in the task context of the ToolManager handler. So it MUST return AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and MUST NOT MODIFY ANYTHING in the tasks context!!!!! - TMOP_HotKey (char *) - TMOP_Output (char *) - TMOP_Path (char *) - TMOP_Priority (LONG) - TMOP_PubScreen (char *) - TMOP_Stack (ULONG) - TMOP_ToFront (BOOL) Object type: TMOBJTYPE_IMAGE - TMOP_File (char *) Object type: TMOBJTYPE_SOUND - TMOP_Command (char *) - TMOP_Port (char *) Object type: TMOBJTYPE_MENU - TMOP_Exec (char *) - TMOP_Sound (char *) Object type: TMOBJTYPE_ICON - TMOP_Exec (char *) - TMOP_Image (char *) - TMOP_LeftEdge (LONG) - TMOP_ShowName (BOOL) - TMOP_Sound (char *) - TMOP_TopEdge (LONG) Object type: TMOBJTYPE_DOCK - TMOP_Activated (BOOL) - TMOP_Backdrop (BOOL) - TMOP_Border (BOOL) - TMOP_Centered (BOOL) - TMOP_Columns (ULONG) - TMOP_Font (struct TextAttr *) - TMOP_FrontMost (BOOL) - TMOP_HotKey (char *) - TMOP_Images (BOOL) - TMOP_LeftEdge (LONG) - TMOP_Menu (BOOL) - TMOP_PopUp (BOOL) - TMOP_PubScreen (char *) - TMOP_Sticky (BOOL) - TMOP_Text (BOOL) - TMOP_Tools (char **) can be specified several times. - TMOP_TopEdge (LONG) INPUTS handle - pointer to a ToolManager handle name - pointer to a string which contains the name of the new object. type - type of the new object. Must be one of the following: TMOBJTYPE_EXEC (see Object.doc for an detailed explanation TMOBJTYPE_IMAGE of the object types) TMOBJTYPE_SOUND TMOBJTYPE_MENU TMOBJTYPE_ICON TMOBJTYPE_DOCK tags - list of TagItems, which describe the properties of the new object. RESULTS success - TRUE if object could be created, otherwise FALSE. SEE ALSO DeleteTMObject() toolmanager.library/DeleteTMObject toolmanager.library/DeleteTMObject NAME DeleteTMObject -- Delete a ToolManager object SYNOPSIS success = DeleteTMObject(handle, object) D0 A0 A1 BOOL DeleteTMObject(void *, char *) FUNCTION Deletes a ToolManager object created with CreateTMObjectTagList(). All derived objects will be automagically updated. INPUTS handle - pointer to a ToolManager handle. object - pointer to the name of the ToolManager object to delete. This object must be attached to the handle. RESULTS success - TRUE if object was deleted, otherwise FALSE. SEE ALSO CreateTMObjectTagList() toolmanager.library/FreeTMHandle toolmanager.library/FreeTMHandle NAME FreeTMHandle -- Free a ToolManager handle SYNOPSIS FreeTMHandle(handle) A0 void FreeTMHandle(void *) FUNCTION Frees a ToolManager handle and deletes all attached objects. INPUT handle - pointer to the ToolManager handle. SEE ALSO AllocTMHandle() toolmanager.library/QuitToolManager toolmanager.library/QuitToolManager NAME QuitToolManager -- Send quit signal to ToolManager process SYNOPSIS QuitToolManager() void QuitToolManager(void) FUNCTION Sends a quit signal to the ToolManager handler process. The process will try to exit as soon as possible. .