; ; Hi James, ; ; I suddenly saw how to use eor.l to shave a few more cycles. Now it's ; 67.0 cycles/pixel with no nasty tricks. (Use a7 as another bitplane ; pointer to get 66.5 cycles/pixel.) It's still untested. ; ; I think I've about reached my limit, unless someone gives me some more ; clues. ; ; Regards, Peter. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; chunky2planar: (new Motorola syntax) ; a0 -> chunky pixels ; a1 -> plane0 (assume other 7 planes are allocated contiguously) ; d0-d1/a0-a1 are trashed width equ 320 ; must be a multiple of 8 height equ 200 plsiz equ (width/8)*height xdef _c2p _c2p: ;a0 = chunky buffer (first arg) ;a1 = first bitplane (sec. arg) ; set up register constants move.l #$0f0f0f0f,d5 ; d5 = constant $0f0f0f0f move.l #$55555555,d6 ; d6 = constant $55555555 move.l #$3333cccc,d7 ; d7 = constant $3333cccc lea (plsiz,a1),a2 ; a2 -> plane1 (end of plane0) ; load up (otherwise) unused address registers with bitplane ptrs movea.l a2,a3 ; a3 -> plane1 lea (2*plsiz,a1),a4 ; a4 -> plane2 lea (2*plsiz,a4),a5 ; a5 -> plane4 lea (2*plsiz,a5),a6 ; a6 -> plane6 ; main loop (starts here) processes 8 chunky pixels at a time .mainloop ; d0 = a7a6a5a4a3a2a1a0 b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 c7c6c5c4c3c2c1c0 d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0 move.l (a0)+,d0 ; 12 get next 4 chunky pixels in d0 ; d1 = e7e6e5e4e3e2e1e0 f7f6f5f4f3f2f1f0 g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0 h7h6h5h4h3h2h1h0 move.l (a0)+,d1 ; 12 get next 4 chunky pixels in d1 ; d2 = d0 & 0f0f0f0f ; d2 = ........a3a2a1a0 ........b3b2b1b0 ........c3c2c1c0 ........d3d2d1d0 move.l d0,d2 ; 4 and.l d5,d2 ; 8 d5=$0f0f0f0f ; d0 ^= d2 ; d0 = a7a6a5a4........ b7b6b5b4........ c7c6c5c4........ d7d6d5d4........ eor.l d2,d0 ; 8 ; d3 = d1 & 0f0f0f0f ; d3 = ........e3e2e1e0 ........f3f2f1f0 ........g3g2g1g0 ........h3h2h1h0 move.l d1,d3 ; 4 and.l d5,d3 ; 8 d5=$0f0f0f0f ; d1 ^= d3 ; d1 = e7e6e5e4........ f7f6f5f4........ g7g6g5g4........ h7h6h5h4........ eor.l d3,d1 ; 8 ; d2 = (d2 << 4) | d3 ; d2 = a3a2a1a0e3e2e1e0 b3b2b1b0f3f2f1f0 c3c2c1c0g3g2g1g0 d3d2d1d0h3h2h1h0 lsl.l #4,d2 ; 16 or.l d3,d2 ; 8 ; d0 = d0 | (d1 >> 4) ; d0 = a7a6a5a4e7e6e5e4 b7b6b5b4f7f6f5f4 c7c6c5c4g7g6g5g4 d7d6d5d4h7h6h5h4 lsr.l #4,d1 ; 16 or.l d1,d0 ; 8 ; d3 = ((d2 & 33330000) << 2) | (swap(d2) & 3333cccc) | ((d2 & 0000cccc) >> 2) ; d3 = a1a0c1c0e1e0g1g0 b1b0d1d0f1f0h1h0 a3a2c3c2e3e2g3g2 b3b2d3d2f3f2h3h2 move.l d2,d3 ; 4 and.l d7,d3 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc move.w d3,d1 ; 4 clr.w d3 ; 4 lsl.l #2,d3 ; 12 lsr.w #2,d1 ; 10 or.w d1,d3 ; 4 swap d2 ; 4 and.l d7,d2 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc or.l d2,d3 ; 8 ; d1 = ((d0 & 33330000) << 2) | (swap(d0) & 3333cccc) | ((d0 & 0000cccc) >> 2) ; d1 = a5a4c5c4e5e4g5g4 b5b4d5d4f5f4h5h4 a7a6c7c6e7e6g7g6 b7b6d7d6f7f6h7h6 move.l d0,d1 ; 4 and.l d7,d1 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc move.w d1,d2 ; 4 clr.w d1 ; 4 lsl.l #2,d1 ; 12 lsr.w #2,d2 ; 10 or.w d2,d1 ; 4 swap d0 ; 4 and.l d7,d0 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc or.l d0,d1 ; 8 ; d2 = d1 >> 7 ; d2 = ..............a5 a4c5c4e5e4g5g4b5 b4d5d4f5f4h5h4a7 a6c7c6e7e6g7g6.. move.l d1,d2 ; 4 lsr.l #7,d2 ; 22 ; d0 = d1 & 55555555 ; d0 = ..a4..c4..e4..g4 ..b4..d4..f4..h4 ..a6..c6..e6..g6 ..b6..d6..f6..h6 move.l d1,d0 ; 4 and.l d6,d0 ; 8 d6=$55555555 ; d1 ^= d0 ; d1 = a5..c5..e5..g5.. b5..d5..f5..h5.. a7..c7..e7..g7.. b7..d7..f7..h7.. eor.l d0,d1 ; 8 ; d4 = d2 & 55555555 ; d4 = ..............a5 ..c5..e5..g5..b5 ..d5..f5..h5..a7 ..c7..e7..g7.... move.l d2,d4 ; 4 and.l d6,d4 ; 8 d6=$55555555 ; d2 ^= d4 ; d2 = ................ a4..c4..e4..g4.. b4..d4..f4..h4.. a6..c6..e6..g6.. eor.l d4,d2 ; 8 ; d1 = (d1 | d4) >> 1 ; d1 = ................ a5b5c5d5e5f5g5h5 ................ a7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7 or.l d4,d1 ; 8 lsr.l #1,d1 ; 10 move.b d1,(plsiz,a6) ; 12 plane 7 swap d1 ; 4 move.b d1,(plsiz,a5) ; 12 plane 5 ; d2 |= d0 ; d2 = ................ a4b4c4d4e4f4g4h4 ................ a6b6c6d6e6f6g6h6 or.l d0,d2 ; 8 move.b d2,(a6)+ ; 8 plane 6 swap d2 ; 4 move.b d2,(a5)+ ; 8 plane 4 ; d2 = d3 >> 7 ; d2 = ..............a1 a0c1c0e1e0g1g0b1 b0d1d0f1f0h1h0a3 a2c3c2e3e2g3g2.. move.l d3,d2 ; 4 lsr.l #7,d2 ; 22 ; d0 = d3 & 55555555 ; d0 = ..a0..c0..e0..g0 ..b0..d0..f0..h0 ..a2..c2..e2..g2 ..b2..d2..f2..h2 move.l d3,d0 ; 4 and.l d6,d0 ; 8 d6=$55555555 ; d3 ^= d0 ; d3 = a1..c1..e1..g1.. b1..d1..f1..h1.. a3..c3..e3..g3.. b3..d3..f3..h3.. eor.l d0,d3 ; 8 ; d4 = d2 & 55555555 ; d4 = ..............a1 ..c1..e1..g1..b1 ..d1..f1..h1..a3 ..c3..e3..g3.... move.l d2,d4 ; 4 and.l d6,d4 ; 8 d6=$55555555 ; d2 ^= d4 ; d2 = ................ a0..c0..e0..g0.. b0..d0..f0..h0.. a2..c2..e2..g2.. eor.l d4,d2 ; 8 ; d3 = (d3 | d4) >> 1 ; d3 = ................ a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1 ................ a3b3c3d3e3f3g3h3 or.l d4,d3 ; 8 lsr.l #1,d3 ; 10 move.b d3,(plsiz,a4) ; 12 plane 3 swap d3 ; 4 move.b d3,(a3)+ ; 8 plane 1 ; d2 = d2 | d0 ; d2 = ................ a0b0c0d0e0f0g0h0 ................ a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 or.l d0,d2 ; 8 move.b d2,(a4)+ ; 8 plane 2 swap d2 ; 4 move.b d2,(a1)+ ; 8 plane 0 ; test if finished cmpa.l a1,a2 ; 6 bne.w .mainloop ; 10 total=536 (67.0 cycles/pixel) rts ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .