@database "AmigaNOS.guide" @Node Main "AmigaNOS" AmigaNOS is a package that allows you to connect to the Internet, via a gateway. It also has several other functions to do with radio, but as I'm not too well up on them, I won't even try to document them. It supports connections via SLIP and PPP, across phone lines (using a modem :-) or via a direct connection. When connected, you can (amongst other things) download news ( @{"nntp",link AmigaNOS_Nntp} ), send and receive mail ( @{"smtp",link AmigaNOS_Smtp} ) transfer files ( @{"ftp",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} ) and connect interactively to other computers on Internet ( @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} ). I use @{"Demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} to provide dial up connection to the Internet. They provide a very good service, at GBP 10 per month, plus VAT. @{"Installation",link AmigaNOSIntro_Setup} @{"Commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} @{"MailBox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSIntro_Setup "AmigaNOS Setup" Nos Set-up ========== Here is a brief guide to getting Amiganos set up on your machine. Consult the other files to fully customize your setup. First Step ========== Send mail to internet@demon.co.uk telling them what you want your site name to be, also tell them your using SLIP and Amiganos. (Hopefully you've already done this) If you haven't you'll have to wait at least a day until you are able to go to the next stage. (You can call @{"demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} voice to subscribe,currently 081-343 3881) @{"Log",link AmigaNOS_Log} on to @{"demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} with a normal terminal program (ncomm,jrcomm etc). Telephone : 0813434848 Your will be prompted with gate login: (type in just your site name and not the full address) New Password: (type in your desired password) It will the give you your @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} Address in the form; number.number.number.number Write this down as you will need it for the next part. Running Nos =========== (1) You must edit the following files putting in your own @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address and site name were indicated; Domain.txt in directory amiganos/slip nos-startup in directory amiganos/slip Note: Your site name will be what you asked @{"demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} to set your system up as. I.e. My site is "evil" so I have evil.demon.co.uk. Your @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address is what you wrote down just a minute ago. Also in Nos-startup you will need to tell it what speed your modem will be logging on to @{"demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} at; @{"attach",link AmigaNOS_Attach} asy serial.device 0 slip nos 4096 1006 38400c <-- The c is for ^ RTS/CTS | Use what you do in your terminal program. (2) Edit the ftpusers file in directory amiganos/slip (This is for when you logon to your NOS BBS.) The following is your choice; yourname : (Same as cix would be a good choice) Password : (Anything not obvious) (If you don't want any tom, dick or fis logging on get rid of the line that says anonymous *). (3) In your startup-sequence put the following; assign slip: :amiganos/slip assign tcpip: :amiganos/slip assign nntp: :amiganos/slip/spool/articles (4) Edit the Nos-dial file and put in your own site name and password. (5) Copy files in amiganos/c to your c: directory. (6) To @{"start",link AmigaNOS_Start} simply click the icon - it will then load and dial @{"demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} to connect. (Make sure the assign's are running i.e. you've done a reset) Troubleshooting =============== Q: I only have one drive A: Commit suicide or get a hard-disk Q: It won't even open a window A: You need 1MB or more of memory Q: How do I @{"log",link AmigaNOS_Log} on to my own node? A: Type "telnet yoursite.demon.co.uk" or "bbs" at the nos prompt. Q: What are all these @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} for? A: Type @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} for info. CONSULT THE USENET GROUP DEMON.IP.SUPPORT.AMIGA IF YOU NEED @{"HELP",link AmigaNOS_Help} ================================================================ Information supplied by fis@evil.demon.co.uk @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSIntro_Demon "Demon" @{"Demon",link AmigaNOSIntro_Demon} (DIS) is a company providing connection to the Internet for GBP 10 + VAT per month. They can be reached on 081-343 3881, or by EMail at internet@demon.co.uk @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMAIN_Index "AmigaNOS MAIN Index" @{" Abort ", link AmigaNOS_Abort } @{" Amiga ", link AmigaNOS_Amiga } @{" Arp ", link AmigaNOS_Arp } @{" Asystat ", link AmigaNOS_Asystat } @{" Attach ", link AmigaNOS_Attach } @{" Ax25 ", link AmigaNOS_Ax25 } @{" bak ", link AmigaNOS_bak } @{" Bbs ", link AmigaNOS_Bbs } @{" ChatNode ", link AmigaNOS_ChatNode } @{" Close ", link AmigaNOS_Close } @{" Connect ", link AmigaNOS_Connect } @{" Detach ", link AmigaNOS_Detach } @{" Digger ", link AmigaNOS_Digger } @{" Disconnect ", link AmigaNOS_Disconnect } @{" Domain ", link AmigaNOS_Domain } @{" Echo ", link AmigaNOS_Echo } @{" Eol ", link AmigaNOS_Eol } @{" Escape ", link AmigaNOS_Escape } @{" Exit ", link AmigaNOS_Exit } @{" Finger ", link AmigaNOS_Finger } @{" Ftp ", link AmigaNOS_Ftp } @{" FtpDown ", link AmigaNOS_FtpDown } @{" FtTimeout ", link AmigaNOS_FtTimeout } @{" Help ", link AmigaNOS_Help } @{" Hopcheck ", link AmigaNOS_Hopcheck } @{" Hostname ", link AmigaNOS_Hostname } @{" Icmp ", link AmigaNOS_Icmp } @{" Ifconfig ", link AmigaNOS_Ifconfig } @{" Ip ", link AmigaNOS_Ip } @{" Kick ", link AmigaNOS_Kick } @{" Less ", link AmigaNOS_Less } @{" Listserv ", link AmigaNOS_Listserv } @{" Log ", link AmigaNOS_Log } @{" Mbox ", link AmigaNOS_Mbox } @{" Mem ", link AmigaNOS_Mem } @{" Message ", link AmigaNOS_Message } @{" Mode ", link AmigaNOS_Mode } @{" Netrom ", link AmigaNOS_Netrom } @{" Nntp ", link AmigaNOS_Nntp } @{" Nrstat ", link AmigaNOS_Nrstat } @{" Param ", link AmigaNOS_Param } @{" Ping ", link AmigaNOS_Ping } @{" Pop ", link AmigaNOS_Pop } @{" Ps ", link AmigaNOS_Ps } @{" Record ", link AmigaNOS_Record } @{" Remote ", link AmigaNOS_Remote } @{" Reset ", link AmigaNOS_Reset } @{" Rip ", link AmigaNOS_Rip } @{" Route ", link AmigaNOS_Route } @{" Rspf ", link AmigaNOS_Rspf } @{" Session ", link AmigaNOS_Session } @{" Smtp ", link AmigaNOS_Smtp } @{" Socket ", link AmigaNOS_Socket } @{" Source ", link AmigaNOS_Source } @{" Start ", link AmigaNOS_Start } @{" Status ", link AmigaNOS_Status } @{" Stop ", link AmigaNOS_Stop } @{" Tcp ", link AmigaNOS_Tcp } @{" Telnet ", link AmigaNOS_Telnet } @{" Time ", link AmigaNOS_Time } @{" Trace ", link AmigaNOS_Trace } @{" TtyLink ", link AmigaNOS_TtyLink } @{" Udp ", link AmigaNOS_Udp } @{" Upload ", link AmigaNOS_Upload } @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Index "AmigaNOS MBOX Index" @{" Area ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Area } @{" Bye ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Bye } @{" ChatNode ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_ChatNode } @{" Download ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Download } @{" Escape ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Escape } @{" Find ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Find } @{" Finger ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Finger } @{" Gateway ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway } @{" Help ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Help } @{" Info ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info } @{" Jheard ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Jheard } @{" Kill ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Kill } @{" List ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_List } @{" Message ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Message } @{" MoveMail ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_MoveMail } @{" NConnect ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_NConnect } @{" Netrom ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Netrom } @{" Nodes ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Nodes } @{" OS ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_OS } @{" PageSysop ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_PageSysop } @{" Ports ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Ports } @{" Read ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Read } @{" Retrieve ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Retrieve } @{" Send ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Send } @{" SignOn ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_SignOn } @{" Telnet ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Telnet } @{" Upload ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Upload } @{" Verbose ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose } @{" What ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_What } @{" Zap ", link AmigaNOSMBOX_Zap } @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Abort abort [] Abort a @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} get, put or dir operation in progress. If issued without an argument, the current session is aborted. (This com- mand works only on @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} sessions.) When receiving a file, abort simply resets the data connection; the next incoming data packet will generate a @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} RST (reset) response to clear the remote server. When sending a file, abort sends a premature end-of- file. Note that in both cases abort will leave a partial copy of the file on the destination machine, which must be removed manu- ally if it is unwanted. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Amiga amiga arplist [on] | [off] Is used to denote whether the internal directory routine (OFF) or an external LIST program (ON) is used for the @{"ftp",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} dir/ls and the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} What commands. amiga command ["amigados command"] Will cause the amigados command to be issued at specified intervals. (see 'amiga interval [seconds]') amiga eightbit [on] | [off] Allows the system to run telnet/mailbox sessions in 8-bit mode. (this is needed to receive '7plus' files via the mailbox) amiga interval [seconds] Issue the @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} in the linked-list formed by 'amiga command ["xxx"]' at regular intervals/ amiga winsize This is used to set the dimensions of all subsequent session windows. amiga wintype border [] This is used to specify whether subsequent session windows are to have or have no border. amiga wintype resize [] This is used to specify whether it is possible to resize subsequent session windows with the mouse. The default setting for these @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} is for all session windows to be the same as the original command window. amiga sound [on] | [off] With this set to ON, the Amiga makes use of the AmigaDOS command SAY (not included!) to speak whenever a new mail message arrives. (It says 'NEW MAIL') ** AmigaNOS4GW on ** amiga guide [on] | [off] With this set to ON, the Amiga makes use of the AmigaGuide command to display help. The file AmigaNOS.guide must be accessible to AmigaGuide. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Arp arp Display the Address Resolution Protocol table that maps @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} addresses to their subnet (link) addresses on subnetworks capable of broadcasting. For each @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address entry the subnet type (eg. Ethernet, AX.25), subnet address and @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} to expiration is shown. If the link address is currently unknown, the number of @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} datagrams awaiting resolution is also shown. arp add ax25|netrom Add a permanent entry to the table. It will not @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} out as will an automatically-created entry, but must be removed with the arp drop command. arp drop ax25|netrom Remove the specified entry from the ARP table. arp flush Drop all automatically-created entries in the ARP table; per- manent entries are not affected. arp publish ax25|netrom This command is similar to the arp add command, but system will also respond to any ARP request it sees on the network that seeks the specified address. (Use this feature with great care.) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Asystat asystat Will produce a one-line display of each configured interface, showing the number of bytes transmitted and received along with the device it is attached to. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Attach attach asy where asy - is always 'asy' for the serial network driver; dev - is usually 'serial.device' for the normal Amiga serial device driver. If you happen to have additional serial ports on your Amiga, you should list the name of its serial.device compatible driver here. unit - the unit number to be opened on the driver. Usually '0' for the case of the internal serial port. mode - is either 'slip' for serial line @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} use; 'ax25' for KISS AX.25 use, or 'nrs' for the NET/ROM serial interface. name - is a symbolic name for the interface, something like 'sl0' or 'nos'. bufsiz - the amount of buffering that the device driver will do. The larger you specify then it lessens the chance you'll experience serial line overruns. The value of 8000 works great with 9600 baud SLIP doing FTPs to a hard disk. mtu - the Maximum Transmission Unit of the interface; packets larger than this are fragmented. speed - baud rate you'd like the interface to run at. '9600' works great. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ax25 ax25 ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for AX25 interfaces. With no parameters it will display the AX.25 "heard" list. (see 'ax25 heard') ax25 bc [] This command routes BEACON broadcasts via ax25 bcinterval [] Display or set the @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} interval between BEACON broadcasts. ax25 bctext [<"beacon_text">] Display or set the text to be sent for BEACON broadcasts. ax25 blimit [] Display or set the AX25 retransmission backoff limit. Normally each successive AX25 retransmission is delayed by twice the value of the previous interval; this is called binary exponential back- off. When the backoff reaches the blimit setting it is held at that value, which defaults to 30. To prevent the possibility of "congestive collapse" on a loaded channel, blimit should be set at least as high as the number of stations sharing the channel. Note that this is applicable only on actual AX25 connections; UI frames will never be retransmitted by the AX25 layer. ax25 destlist Displays the destination list: i.e, the addressed-to stations. The display shows latest times of transmission TO stations, together with the times that the station replied (if the destination was out of range the replied field will be blank) ax25 digipeat [on|off] Display or set the digipeater enable flag. ax25 filter [1] | [2] | [3] Display or set the logging of heard lists of @{"source",link AmigaNOS_Source} and destination AX25 callsigns. This is a bitwise-OR function where the 01 value is for @{"source",link AmigaNOS_Source} stations and the 02 value for destination stations. When the bit is '0', logging is enabled, when '1' it is disabled. ax25 flush Clear the AX.25 "heardlist" and "destlist" (see ax25 heardlist & destlist). ax25 heardlist Display the AX.25 "heard" list. For each interface that is con- figured to use AX.25, a list of all callsigns heard through that interface is shown, along with a count of the number of packets heard from each station and the interval, in hr:min:sec format, since each station was last heard. The local station always appears first in the listing; the packet count actually reflects the number of packets transmitted. This entry is always present even if no packets have been sent. ax25 irtt [] Display or set the initial value of smoothed round trip @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} to be used when a new AX25 connection is created. The value is in milliseconds. The actual round trip @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} will be learned by measurement once the connection has been established. ax25 @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} Force a retransmission on the specified AX.25 control block. ax25 maxframe [] Establish the maximum number of frames that will be allowed to remain unacknowledged at one @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} on new AX.25 connections. This number cannot be greater than 7. ax25 mycall [] Display or set the local AX.25 address. The standard format is used (eg. KA9Q-0 or WB6RQN-5). This command must be given before any @{"attach",link AmigaNOS_Attach} @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} using AX.25 mode are given. ax25 paclen [] Limit the size of I-fields on new AX.25 connections. If @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} datagrams or fragments larger than this are transmitted, they will be transparently fragmented at the AX.25 level, sent as a series of I frames, and reassembled back into a complete @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} datagram or fragment at the other end of the link. To have any effect on @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} datagrams, this parameter should be less than or equal to the MTU of the associated interface. ax25 pthresh [] Display or set the poll threshold to be used for new AX.25 Ver- sion 2 connections. The poll threshold controls retransmission behavior as follows. If the oldest unacknowledged I-frame size is less than the poll threshold, it will be sent with the poll (P) bit set if a timeout occurs. If the oldest unacked I-frame size is equal to or greater than the threshold, then a RR or RNR frame, as appropriate, with the poll bit set will be sent if a timeout occurs. The idea behind the poll threshold is that the extra @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} needed to send a "small" I-frame instead of a supervisory frame when polling after a timeout is small, and since there's a good chance the I-frame will have to be sent anyway (i.e., if it were lost previously) then you might as well send it as the poll. But if the I-frame is large, send a supervisory (RR/RNR) poll instead to determine first if retransmitting the oldest unacknowledged I- frame is necessary; the timeout might have been caused by a lost acknowledgement. This is obviously a tradeoff, so experiment with the poll threshold setting. The default is 128 bytes, one half the default value of paclen. ax25 reset Delete the AX.25 connection control block at the specified address. ax25 retry [] Limit the number of successive unsuccessful retransmission attempts on new AX.25 connections. If this limit is exceeded, link re-establishment is attempted. If this fails retry times, then the connection is abandoned and all queued data is deleted. ax25 @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} Display the AX.25 routing table that specifies the digipeaters to be used in reaching a given station, along with the transmission mode (VC - Virtual Circuit, DG - Datagram or IF - Default). ax25 @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} add [digis ... ] Add an entry to the AX.25 routing table. An automatic ax25 @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} add is executed if digipeaters are specified in an AX25 connect command, or if a connection is received from a remote station via digipeaters. Such automatic routing table entries won't override locally created entries, however. ax25 @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} drop Drop an entry from the AX.25 routing table. ax25 @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} mode [VC] | [DG] | [IF] Change the transmission mode for a existing @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} entry. ax25 status [] Without an argument, display a one-line summary of each AX.25 control block. If the address of a particular control block is specified, the contents of that control block are dumped in more detail. Note that the send queue units are frames, while the receive queue units are bytes. ax25 t3 [] Display or set the AX.25 idle "keep alive" timer. Value is in milliseconds. ax25 t4 [] Display or set the AX.25 "link redundancy" timer. The value is in milliseconds. ax25 timertype [] ax25 version [1] | [2] Display or set the version of the AX.25 protocol to attempt to use on new connections. The default is 2 (the version that uses the poll/final bits). ax25 window [] Set the number of bytes that can be pending on an AX.25 receive queue beyond which I frames will be answered with RNR (Receiver Not Ready) responses. This presently applies only to suspended interactive AX.25 sessions, since incoming I-frames containing network (IP, NET/ROM) packets are always processed immediately and are not placed on the receive queue. However, when an AX.25 connection carries both interactive and network packet traffic, an RNR generated because of backlogged interactive traffic will also @{"stop",link AmigaNOS_Stop} network packet traffic from being sent. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_bak ftp Open an @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} control channel to the specified remote host and enter converse mode on the new session. Responses from the remote server are displayed directly on the screen. @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} Subcommands During converse mode with an @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} server, everything typed on the console is first examined to see if it is a locally-known com- mand. If not, the line is passed intact to the remote server on the control channel. If it is one of the following commands, how- ever, it is executed locally. (Note that this generally involves other @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} being sent to the remote server on the control channel.) dir [| []] Without arguments, dir requests that a full directory listing of the remote server's current directory be sent to the terminal. If one argument is given, this is passed along in the LIST com- mand; this can be a specific file or subdirectory that is mean- ingful to the remote file system. If two arguments are given, the second is taken as the local file into which the directory list- ing should be put (instead of being sent to the console). The PORT command is used before the LIST command is sent. get [] Asks the remote server to send the file specified in the first argument. The second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the local machine; otherwise it will have the same name as on the remote machine. The PORT and RETR @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are sent on the control channel. hash A synonym for the @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 3 command. ls [| []] ls is identical to the dir command except that the "NLST" command is sent to the server instead of the "LIST" command. This results in an abbreviated directory listing, i.e., one showing only the file names themselves without any other information. mget [ ...] Fetch a collection of files from the server. File names may include wild card characters; they will be interpreted and expanded into a list of files by the remote system using the NLST command. The files will have the same name on the local system that they had on the server. mkdir Creates a directory on the remote machine. put [] Asks the remote server to accept data, creating the file named in the first argument. The second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the remote machine; otherwise it will have the same name as on the local machine. The PORT and STOR com- mands are sent on the control channel. rmdir Deletes a directory on the remote machine. type [a|i|l ] Tells both the local client and remote server the type of file that is to be transferred. The default is 'a', which means ASCII (i.e., a text file). Type 'i' means image, i.e., binary. In ASCII mode, files are sent as varying length lines of text in ASCII separated by cr/lf sequences; in IMAGE mode, files are sent exactly as they appear in the file system. ASCII mode should be used whenever transferring text between dissimilar systems (eg. UNIX and MS-DOS) because of their different end-of-line and/or end-of-file conventions. When exchanging text files between machines of the same type, either mode will work but IMAGE mode is usually faster. Naturally, when exchanging raw binary files (executables, compressed archives, etc) IMAGE mode must be used. Type 'l' (logical byte size) is used when exchanging binary files with remote servers having oddball word sizes (eg. DECSYSTEM-10s and 20s). Locally it works exactly like IMAGE, except that it notifies the remote system how large the byte size is. bytesize is typically 8. The type command sets the local transfer mode and generates the TYPE command on the control channel. verbose [0|1|2|3|4] Set or display the level of message output in file transfers. @{"Verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 0 gives the least output, and @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 3 the most, as fol- lows: 0 - Display error messages only. 1 - Display error messages plus a one-line summary after each transfer giving the name of the file, its size, and the transfer @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} and rate. 2 - Display error and summary messages plus the progress messages generated by the remote @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} server. 3 - Display all messages. In addition, a "hash mark" (#) is displayed for every 1,000 bytes sent or received. 4 - Display all messages. In addition the number of bytes sent/received are displayed after each acknowledged packet. If a command is sent to the remote server because it is not recognized locally, the response is always displayed, regardless of the setting of verbose. This is necessary for @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} like pwd (display working directory), which would otherwise produce no message at all if @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} were set to 0 or 1. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Bbs bbs Will issue a @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} call to the local system's bbs on the loopback interface. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_ChatNode chatnode Will issue a @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} call to the local system's chatnode on the loopback interface, the the user should identify him/her self with the command /n | @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Close close [] Close the specified session; without an argument, close the current session. On an AX.25 session, this command initiates a disconnect. On a @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} or @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} session, this command sends a FIN (i.e., initiates a close) on the session's @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} connection. This is an alternative to asking the remote server to initiate a close (QUIT to FTP, or the logout command appropriate for the remote system in the case of Telnet). When either @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} or @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} sees the incoming half of a @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} connection close, it automatically responds by closing the outgoing half of the connection. Close is more graceful than the reset command, in that it is less likely to leave the remote @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} in a "half-open" state. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Connect connect [ ... ] Initiate a "vanilla" AX.25 session to the specified call sign using the specified interface. Data sent on this session goes out in conventional AX.25 packets with no upper layer protocol. The de-facto presentation standard format is used, in that each packet holds one line of text, terminated by a carriage return. A single AX.25 connection may be used for terminal-to-terminal, @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} and NET/ROM traffic. The three types of data are automati- cally separated by their AX.25 Level 3 Protocol IDs. Up to 7 optional digipeaters may be given; note that the word via is NOT needed. If digipeaters are specified, they are automati- cally added to the @{"AX25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} routing table as though the @{"ax25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} route add command had been given before issuing the connect command. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Detach detach Detach a previously attached interface from the system. All @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table entries referring to this interface are deleted, and forwarding references by any other interface to this inter- face are removed. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Digger digger [on] | [off] | [kick] When (ON) it activates the Digger server, which is an @{"SMTP",link AmigaNOS_Smtp} based file server. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Disconnect disconnect [] An alias for the @{"close",link AmigaNOS_Close} command (for the benefit of AX.25 users). @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Domain domain ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for access to the Domain Name Service. domain addserver Add one or more domain name server(s) to the list of name servers. domain dropserver Remove one or more domain name server(s) from the list of name servers. domain listservers List the currently configured domain name servers, along with statistics on how many queries and replies have been exchanged with each one, response times, etc. domain suffix [] Display or specify the default domain name suffix to be appended to a host name when it contains no periods. For example, if the suffix is set to ampr.org and the user enters @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} ka9q, the domain resolver will attempt to find ka9q.ampr.org. If the host name being sought contains one or more periods, however, the default suffix is NOT applied (eg. @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} foo.bar would NOT be turned into foo.bar.ampr.org). domain trace [on|off] Display or set the flag controlling the tracing of domain server requests and responses. Trace messages will be seen only if a domain name being sought is not found in the local cache file, domain.txt. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Echo echo [accept|refuse] Display or set the flag controlling client Telnet's response to a remote WILL ECHO offer. The @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} presentation protocol specifies that in the absence of a negotiated agreement to the contrary, neither end echoes data received from the other. In this mode, a @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} client session echoes keyboard input locally and nothing is actually sent until a carriage return is typed. Local line editing is also performed: backspace deletes the last character typed, while control-U deletes the entire line. When communicating from keyboard to keyboard the standard local echo mode is used, so the setting of this parameter has no effect. However, many timesharing systems (eg. UNIX) prefer to do their own echoing of typed input. (This makes screen editors work right, among other things). Such systems send a @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} WILL ECHO offer immediately upon receiving an incoming @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} connec- tion request. If echo accept is in effect, a client @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} ses- sion will automatically return a DO ECHO response. In this mode, local echoing and editing is turned off and each key stroke is sent immediately (subject to the Nagle tinygram algorithm in TCP). While this mode is just fine across an Ethernet, it is clearly inefficient and painful across slow paths like packet radio channels. Specifying echo refuse causes an incoming WILL ECHO offer to be answered with a DONT ECHO; the client @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} session remains in the local echo mode. Sessions already in the remote echo mode are unaffected. (Note: Berkeley Unix has a bug in that it will still echo input even after the client has refused the WILL ECHO offer. To get around this problem, enter the stty -echo command to the shell once you have logged in.) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Eol eol [unix|standard] Display or set Telnet's end-of-line behavior when in remote @{"echo",link AmigaNOS_Echo} mode. In standard mode, each key is sent as-is. In unix mode, carriage returns are translated to line feeds. This command is not necessary with all UNIX systems; use it only when you find that a particular system responds to line feeds but not carriage returns. Only SunOS release 3.2 seems to exhibit this behavior; later releases are fixed. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Escape escape [] Display or set the current command-mode escape character in hex. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Exit exit Exit the AmigaNOS program and return to AmigaDOS. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Finger finger [ ...] Issue a network finger request for user user at host hostid. This creates a client session which may be interrupted, resumed, reset, etc, just like a @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} client session. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ftp ftp Open an FTP control channel to the specified remote host and enter converse mode on the new session. Responses from the remote server are displayed directly on the screen. Most hosts will require you to logon and quote a password. The logon process can be automated by setting up the file slip:NOS.rc. This should contain one line per host, in the form: FTP Subcommands During converse mode with an FTP server, everything typed on the console is first examined to see if it is a locally-known com- mand. If not, the line is passed intact to the remote server on the control channel. If it is one of the following commands, how- ever, it is executed locally. (Note that this generally involves other @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} being sent to the remote server on the control channel.) dir [| []] Without arguments, dir requests that a full directory listing of the remote server's current directory be sent to the terminal. If one argument is given, this is passed along in the LIST com- mand; this can be a specific file or subdirectory that is mean- ingful to the remote file system. If two arguments are given, the second is taken as the local file into which the directory list- ing should be put (instead of being sent to the console). The PORT command is used before the LIST command is sent. get [] Asks the remote server to send the file specified in the first argument. The second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the local machine; otherwise it will have the same name as on the remote machine. The PORT and RETR @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are sent on the control channel. hash A synonym for the @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 3 command. ls [| []] ls is identical to the dir command except that the "NLST" command is sent to the server instead of the "LIST" command. This results in an abbreviated directory listing, i.e., one showing only the file names themselves without any other information. mget [ ...] Fetch a collection of files from the server. File names may include wild card characters; they will be interpreted and expanded into a list of files by the remote system using the NLST command. The files will have the same name on the local system that they had on the server. mkdir Creates a directory on the remote machine. put [] Asks the remote server to accept data, creating the file named in the first argument. The second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the remote machine; otherwise it will have the same name as on the local machine. The PORT and STOR com- mands are sent on the control channel. rmdir Deletes a directory on the remote machine. type [a|i|l ] Tells both the local client and remote server the type of file that is to be transferred. The default is 'a', which means ASCII (i.e., a text file). Type 'i' means image, i.e., binary. In ASCII mode, files are sent as varying length lines of text in ASCII separated by cr/lf sequences; in IMAGE mode, files are sent exactly as they appear in the file system. ASCII mode should be used whenever transferring text between dissimilar systems (eg. UNIX and MS-DOS) because of their different end-of-line and/or end-of-file conventions. When exchanging text files between machines of the same type, either mode will work but IMAGE mode is usually faster. Naturally, when exchanging raw binary files (executables, compressed archives, etc) IMAGE mode must be used. Type 'l' (logical byte size) is used when exchanging binary files with remote servers having oddball word sizes (eg. DECSYSTEM-10s and 20s). Locally it works exactly like IMAGE, except that it notifies the remote system how large the byte size is. bytesize is typically 8. The type command sets the local transfer mode and generates the TYPE command on the control channel. verbose [0|1|2|3|4] Set or display the level of message output in file transfers. @{"Verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 0 gives the least output, and @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} 3 the most, as fol- lows: 0 - Display error messages only. 1 - Display error messages plus a one-line summary after each transfer giving the name of the file, its size, and the transfer @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} and rate. 2 - Display error and summary messages plus the progress messages generated by the remote FTP server. 3 - Display all messages. In addition, a "hash mark" (#) is displayed for every 1,000 bytes sent or received. 4 - Display all messages. In addition the number of bytes sent/received are displayed after each acknowledged packet. If a command is sent to the remote server because it is not recognized locally, the response is always displayed, regardless of the setting of verbose. This is necessary for @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} like pwd (display working directory), which would otherwise produce no message at all if @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} were set to 0 or 1. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_FtpDown ftpdown [xxyy] This is used to restrict access to the system to a specific @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} window xxyy, where xx represents the first hour and yy represents the last hour. So 'ftpdown 2108' would restrict access to between 21:00 hrs and 08:59 hrs. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_FtTimeout fttimeout [seconds] Display or set the @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} inactivity timeout in seconds, after which an inactive session is closed. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Help help [] Will invoke the LESS program to display a help file from the Spool/Help directory for a NOS command. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Hopcheck hopcheck ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used to test the connectivity of the network. hopcheck check Initiate a hopcheck session to the specified host. This uses a series of @{"UDP",link AmigaNOS_Udp} "probe" packets with increasing @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} TTL fields to determine the sequence of gateways in the path to the specified destination. This function is patterned after the UNIX traceroute facility. @{"ICMP",link AmigaNOS_Icmp} message tracing should be turned off before this command is executed (see the @{"icmp",link AmigaNOS_Icmp} trace command). hopcheck maxttl [] Display or set the maximum TTL value to be used in hop check ses- sions. This effectively bounds the radius of the search. hopcheck maxwait [] Display or set the maximum interval that a hopcheck session will wait for responses at each stage of the trace. The default is 5 seconds. hopcheck queries [] Display or set the number of @{"UDP",link AmigaNOS_Udp} probes that will be sent at each stage of the trace. The default is 3. hopcheck trace [on|off] Display or set the flag that controls the display of additional information during a hop check session. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Hostname hostname [] Display or set the local host's name. By convention this should be the same as the host's primary @{"domain",link AmigaNOS_Domain} name. This string is used only in the greeting messages of the various network servers; note that it does NOT set the system's @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address. If is the same as an (see the @{"Attach",link AmigaNOS_Attach} commands chapter), this command will search for a CNAME @{"domain",link AmigaNOS_Domain} resource @{"record",link AmigaNOS_Record} which corresponds to the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address of the . @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Icmp icmp ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for the Internet Control Message Protocol service. icmp @{"echo",link AmigaNOS_Echo} [on|off] Display or set the flag controlling the asynchronous display of ICMP @{"Echo",link AmigaNOS_Echo} Reply packets. This flag must be on for one-shot pings to work (see the @{"ping",link AmigaNOS_Ping} command.) icmp status Display statistics about the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), including the number of ICMP messages of each type sent or received. icmp trace [on|off] Display or set the flag controlling the display of ICMP error messages. These informational messages are generated by Internet routers in response to routing, protocol or congestion problems. This option should be turned off before using the hop check facility because it relies on ICMP @{"Time",link AmigaNOS_Time} Exceeded messages, and the asynchronous display of these messages will be mingled with hop check command output. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ifconfig ifconfig Display a list of interfaces, with a short status for each. ifconfig Display an extended status of the interface. ifconfig broadcast
Set the broadcast address for the interface. The
takes the form of an @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address with 1's in the host part of the address. This is related to the netmask sub-command. See also the @{"arp",link AmigaNOS_Arp} command. ifconfig description ["description"] Set the description for , to be used by the PORTS command from the Mailbox. ifconfig encapsulation Not fully implemented. ifconfig forward Set a forwarding interface for multiple channel interfaces. To remove the forward, set to . ifconfig ipaddress Set the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address for this interface. It is standard Internet practice that each interface has its own address. For hosts with only one interface, the interface address is usually the same as the host address. See also the @{"hostname",link AmigaNOS_Hostname} and @{"ip",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address commands. ifconfig linkaddress Set the hardware dependant address for this interface. ifconfig mtu Set the MTU for this interface. ifconfig netmask
Set the sub-net mask for this interface. The
takes the form of an @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address with 1's in the network and subnet parts of the address, and 0's in the host part of the address. This is related to the broadcast sub-command. See also the @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} com- mand. ifconfig rxbuf Not yet implemented. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ip ip Display Internet Protocol (IP) statistics, such as total packet counts and error counters of various types. ip address [] Display or set the default local IP address. This command must be given before an @{"attach",link AmigaNOS_Attach} command if it is to be used as the default IP address for the interface. ip rtimer [] Display or set the IP reassembly timeout. The default is 30 seconds. ip ttl [] Display or set the time-to-live value placed in each outgoing IP datagram. This limits the number of switch hops the datagram will be allowed to take. The idea is to bound the lifetime of the packet should it become caught in a routing loop, so make the value slightly larger than the number of hops across the network you expect to transit packets. The default is set at compilation @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} to the official recommended value for the Internet. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Kick kick [] Kick all sockets associated with a session; if no argument is given, kick the current session. Performs the same function as the @{"ax25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} kick and @{"tcp",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} kick commands, but is easier to type. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Less less Invokes the external LESS command to display the file @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Listserv listserv [] @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Log log [stop|] Display or set the filename for logging server sessions. If @{"stop",link AmigaNOS_Stop} is given as the argument, logging is terminated (the servers themselves are unaffected). If a file name is given as an argu- ment, server session log entries will be appended to it. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Mbox mbox accept mbox reject [] The subcommand REJECT will display the reject list, that is: the list of destination addresses that the system will reject from the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} prompt, and if supplied with a string will add that to the reject list. The subcommand ACCEPT will remove the from the reject list. mbox attend [on] | [off] Display or Set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} attended flag. mbox @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} Forces the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} to run the @{"ax25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} forwarding system, if there is anything to forward. mbox maxmsg Display or set the maximum number of messages in each @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} message file. mbox password ["sysop password string upto 80 characters"] Set the SYSOP password for access from the mailbox. mbox profile Display the MOTD, ORGANISATION, REALNAME and RHEADER strings. mbox profile motd ["message of the day"] Set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} MOTD string. mbox profile organisation ["name of organisation"] Set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} ORGANISATION string. mbox profile realname ["your real name"] Set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} REALNAME string. mbox profile rheader ["NTS header string"] Set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} RHEADER string. mbox sysop [on] | [off] Display or set the SYSOP access flag. mbox thirdparty [on] | [off] Display or set the THIRDPARTY access flag. mbox timer [seconds] Display or set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} forwarding timer period in seconds. mbox trace [trace_level] Display or set the @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} trace level. Set to 2, all user input to the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} are shown, Set to 1, just the user @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are shown. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Mem mem ... mem thresh [] Display or set the memory threshold in bytes. If available memory falls below this value, no new sessions are started or accepted/ @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Message message <"message"> message <... ...> <"message"> Send a one-line message to the sockets specified. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Mode mode [vc|datagram] Control the default transmission mode on the specified AX.25 interface. In datagram mode, @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} packets are encapsulated in AX.25 UI frames and transmitted without any other link level mechan- isms, such as connections or acknowledgements. In vc (virtual circuit) mode, @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} packets are encapsulated in AX.25 I frames and are acknowledged at the link level according to the AX.25 protocol. Link level connections are opened if necessary. In both modes, @{"ARP",link AmigaNOS_Arp} is used to map @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} to AX.25 addresses. The defaults can be overridden with the type-of-service (TOS) bits in the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} header. Turning on the "reliability" bit causes I frames to be used, while turning on the "low delay" bit uses UI frames. (The effect of turning on both bits is undefined and subject to change). In both modes, IP-level fragmentation is done if the datagram is larger than the interface MTU. In virtual circuit mode, how- ever, the resulting datagram (or fragments) is further fragmented at the AX.25 layer if it (or they) are still larger than the AX.25 paclen parameter. In AX.25 fragmentation, datagrams are broken into several I frames and reassembled at the receiving end before being passed to IP. This is preferable to @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} fragmentation whenever possible because of decreased overhead (the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} header isn't repeated in each fragment) and increased robustness (a lost fragment is immediately retransmitted by the link layer). @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Netrom netrom acktime [] Display or set the NET/ROM acknowledgement timer. netrom bcnodes Send a NET/ROM routing broadcast out on netrom connect Make an ordinary NET/ROM connection to another NET/ROM node. netrom choketime [] Display or set the NET/ROM choke time. This is the @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} to wait before breaking a send choke condition. netrom interface The 'netrom interface' command specifies an to be used for NET/ROM, together with the NET/ROM node and . The is a string of up to six characters, and is the name by which the node is known to other NET/ROM stations. There are no hard and fast rules for choosing an alias name, but ideally it should contain the letters "IP" or "TCP", or @{"start",link AmigaNOS_Start} with a "#", to make it clear to other users that this is not an ordinary NET/ROM node. A suggested convention is to incorporate the last half of your @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address, expressed in hexadecimal, into the alias. The is the default quality for incoming NET/ROM broadcasts (and is also the default quality for stations added to the node filter list). netrom irtt [] Display or set the NET/ROM Initial Round Trip Timer. netrom @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} <&CB> @{"Kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} the NET/ROM session with control block address <&CB>. netrom nodefilter Display the node filter list. netrom nodefilter add [] Add a node to the node filter list. The default value of is the quality value assigned in the 'netrom interface' command. netrom nodefilter drop Remove a node from the node filter list. netrom nodefilter mode [none|accept|reject] Display or set the node filter mode. The settings are: none: No filtering. The filter is ignored. accept: Only @{"nodes",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Nodes} in the nodefilter list will be heard by the node. reject: @{"Nodes",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Nodes} in the nodefilter list will be rejected. This is used to disable a path to a neighbouring node; useful if there are several paths and you do not want to use a specific one. netrom nodetimer [] Display or set the NET/ROM @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} update broadcast interval. netrom obsotimer [] Display or set the NET/ROM obsolescence timer, which indicates how long the entries will remain alive in the NET/ROM routing table. A new or refreshed entry in the table has a time-to-live (TTL) count of 6. Each @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} the obsotimer expires, the TTL count is decremented by one. If node information is not refreshed, the entry will eventually disappear when the TTL count falls to zero. netrom qlimit [] Display or set the maximum number of bytes on the NET/ROM receive queue. This is the threshhold at which the sender is choked. netrom reset <&CB> Reset the NET/ROM session with control block address <&CB>. Use the 'netrom status' command to obtain the control block address. netrom retries [] Display or set the maximum number of connect and @{"disconnect",link AmigaNOS_Disconnect} retries. netrom @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} Display the NET/ROM routing table. Entries are of the form :. netrom @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} add Add an entry to the NET/ROM routing table. The and apply to the station at the eventual destination of the route. The is the callsign of the local NET/ROM node to which packets will be sent first on their journey to the target. netrom @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} drop Remove an entry from the NET/ROM routing table. netrom @{"route",link AmigaNOS_Route} @{"info",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info} Display NET/ROM routing information. The output includes the quality, TTL, interface and neighbouring NET/ROM node. Permanent routes which have been manually entered are indicated with a "P". netrom status [<&CB>] Display NET/ROM status. The 'netrom status' command without a control block parameter <&CB> displays the general status. When a control block address is supplied, a more detailed output is produced. netrom timertype [linear|exponential] Display or set the NET/ROM timer backoff mode. Linear backoff is recommended for amateur radio work. netrom ttl [] Display or set the NET/ROM Time-to-Live. This is the maximum number of hops a packet can take before it is thrown away. This prevents packets from circulating for ever in an endless loop. netrom user [] Display or set your NET/ROM user name. netrom @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} [on|off] Display or set the NET/ROM "verbose" mode. When set to 'on', the node will act as a normal NET/ROM switch, broadcasting its routing table in the normal NET/ROM manner. netrom window [] Display or set the maximum NET/ROM window size. This is the largest negotiable send and receive window. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Nntp nntp addserver [] [] Add an NNTP news server to query every seconds for new articles in the specified . specifies the time-of-day limits when the queries will be made. Multiple 'nntp addserver' @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} may be used to concatenate groups (up to a maximum of 512 bytes). nntp directory [spool|control ] Display or set the default spool directory for spooling news articles. This is in addition to the control directory (SPOOL/NEWS). nntp dropserver Drop the specified NNTP server. nntp groups [ ...] Display or set the currently set USEnet newsgroup(s). The group names are separated by spaces or commas. The '*' and '!' metacharacters (meaning 'all' and 'not' respectively) are supported. nntp @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} @{"Kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} the local NNTP client to get in touch with the named server. nntp @{"kill",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Kill} @{"Kill",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Kill} the specified message number from the outbound news queue. nntp listservers List the currently defined servers. nntp messages List the Outbound message queue. nntp profile Display the current nntp profile, i.e, full_name, hostname, organisation, reply_address, signature_filename, username. nntp profile fullname ["your full name"] nntp profile host ["hostname"] nntp profile organ ["your organisation"] nntp profile reply ["address"] nntp profile sig ["pathname for signature file"] nntp profile user ["username"] Set up the nntp profile. nntp post Prepare Articles for nntp. nntp trace Sets or shows the current trace level for NNTP traffic. Level 0: No tracing. 1: Display serious errors only 2: Display serious and transient errors 3: Display serious and transient errors, plus session progress 4: Display serious and transient errors, session progress and actual received articles 5: Display errors. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Nrstat nrstat Display statistics for the NET/ROM serial interface (nrs). @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Param param [ ...] Invoke a device-specific control routine. On a KISS TNC inter- face, this sends control packets to the TNC. Data bytes are treated as decimal. For example, param ax0 1 255 will set the keyup timer (type field = 1) on the KISS TNC configured as ax0 to 2.55 seconds (255 x .01 sec). On a SLIP interface, the param command allows the baud rate to be read (without arguments) or set. The implementation of this command for the various inter- face drivers is incomplete and subject to change. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ping ping [ [ []]] Ping (send @{"ICMP",link AmigaNOS_Icmp} @{"Echo",link AmigaNOS_Echo} Request packets to) the specified host. By default the data field contains only a small timestamp to aid in determining round trip time; if the optional length argument is given, the appropriate number of data bytes (consisting of hex 55) are added to the ping packets. If interval is specified, pings will be repeated indefinitely at the specified number of seconds; otherwise a single, "one shot" ping is done. Responses to one-shot pings appear asynchronously on the command screen, while repeated pings create a session that may be suspended and resumed. Pinging continues until the ses- sion is manually reset. The incflag option causes a repeated ping to increment the target @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address for each ping; it is an experimental feature for searching blocks of @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} addresses for active hosts. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Pop pop @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} [] Display or set the name of the local @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} that is to hold all of the mail received from the POP server. Note that this @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} , like all DOS filenames, is limited to eight characters. Also, does NOT include a DOS path; all mail is placed in SPOOL/MAIL, along with other mail placed there by SMTP. The POP client does not write directly to the user's mailbox. Instead it creates a file MBOX.POP in the current directory and places all of the mail it receives in that file. On completion it appends the contents of the file to the end of the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} when all mail has been collected from the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} server. Normally this file is deleted after its contents have been transferred to the mailbox. However, if the POP client is unable to access the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} (for example, if it is locked by SMTP), then MBOX.POP will remain in existence. Any new mail gathered by the POP client will be appended to the end of MBOX.POP. Then eventually when the @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} becomes available the contents of MBOX.POP will be transferred to it. pop mailhost [] Display or set the the POP server host. pop @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} Force the POP client to check with the remote POP server. pop quiet Display or set the POP quiet flag. This flag determines whether the bell sounds when the system announces that incoming mail has arrived. When quiet is set to 'off' you hear the bell. pop timer Display or Set the interval for POP sessions. pop userdata Display or set the user data required by the POP server to validate the client's mail request. Note that and are case sensitive. When only 'pop userdata' is entered to show the values, only the is shown. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Ps ps Display all current processes in the system. The fields are as follows: PID - Process ID (the address of the process descriptor). SP - The current value of the process stack pointer. stksize - The size of the stack allocated to the process. maxstk - The apparent peak stack utilization of this process. This is done in a somewhat heuristic fashion, so the numbers should be treated as approximate. If this number reaches or exceeds the stksize figure, the system is almost certain to crash; the AmigaNOS program should be recompiled to give the process a larger allocation when it is started. event - The event this task is waiting for, if it is not runnable. fl - Process status flags. There are three: I (Interrupts enabled), W (Waiting for event) and S (Suspended). The I flag is set whenever a task has executed a pwait() call (wait for event) without first disabling hardware interrupts. Only tasks that wait for hardware interrupt events will turn off this flag; this is done to avoid critical sections and missed interrupts. The W flag indicates that the process is waiting for an event; the event column will be non-blank. Note that although there may be several runnable processes at any @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} (shown in the ps listing as those without the W flag and with blank event fields) only one process is actually running at any one instant (The Refrigerator Light Effect says that the ps command is always the one running when this display is generated.) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Record record [off|] Append to filename all data received on the current session. Data sent on the current session is also written into the file except for @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} sessions in remote @{"echo",link AmigaNOS_Echo} mode. The command record off stops recording and closes the file. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Remote remote [-p ] [-k ] [-a ] exit|reset|kick Send a @{"UDP",link AmigaNOS_Udp} packet to the specified host commanding it to exit the net.exe program, reset the processor, or force a retransmission on @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} connections. For this command to be accepted, the remote system must be running the remote server and the port number specified in the remote command must match the port number given when the server was started on the remote system. If the port numbers do not match, or if the remote server is not running on the target system, the command packet is ignored. Even if the command is accepted there is no acknowledgement. The @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} command forces a retransmission timeout on all @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} con- nections that the remote node may have with the local node. If the -a option is used, connections to the specified host are kicked instead. No key is required for the @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} subcommand. The exit and reset subcommands are mainly useful for restarting the net.exe program on a remote unattended system after the con- figuration file has been updated. remote -s The exit and reset subcommands of remote require a password. The password is set on a given system with the -s option, and it is specified in a command to a remote system with the -k option. If no password is set with the -s option, then the exit and reset subcommands are disabled. Note that remote is an experimental feature in NOS; it is not yet supported by any other TCP/IP implementation. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Reset reset [] Reset the specified session; if no argument is given, reset the current session. This command should be used with caution since it does not reliably inform the remote end that the connection no longer exists. (In @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} a reset (RST) message will be automati- cally generated should the remote @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} send anything after a local reset has been done. In AX.25 the DM message performs a similar role. Both are used to get rid of a lingering half-open connec- tion after a remote system has crashed.) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Rip rip ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for the RIP service. rip accept Remove the specified @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} from the RIP filter table, allowing future broadcasts from that @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} to be accepted. rip add [] Add an entry to the RIP broadcast table. The @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table will be sent to hostid every interval seconds. If flags is speci- fied as 1, then "split horizon" processing will be performed for this destination. That is, any @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table entries pointing to the interface that will be used to send this update will be removed from the update. If split horizon processing is not specified, then all routing table entries except those marked "private" will be sent in each update. (Private entries are never sent in RIP packets). Triggered updates are always done. That is, any change in the routing table that causes a previously reachable destination to become unreachable will trigger an update that advertises the destination with metric 15, defined to mean "infinity". Note that for RIP packets to be sent properly to a broadcast address, there must exist correct @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing and @{"ARP",link AmigaNOS_Arp} table entries that will first steer the broadcast to the correct inter- face and then place the correct link-level broadcast address in the link-level destination field. If a standard @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} broadcast address convention is used (eg. or then chances are you already have the necessary @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table entry, but unusual subnet or cluster-addressed networks may require special attention. However, an @{"arp",link AmigaNOS_Arp} add command will be required to translate this address to the appropriate link level broadcast address. For example, arp add @{"ax25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} qst-0 for an @{"AX25",link AmigaNOS_Ax25} packet radio channel. rip drop Remove an entry from the RIP broadcast table. rip merge [on|off] This flag controls an experimental feature for consolidating redundant entries in the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table. When rip merging is enabled, the table is scanned after processing each RIP update. An entry is considered redundant if the target(s) it covers would be routed identically by a less "specific" entry already in the table. That is, the target address(es) specified by the entry in question must also match the target addresses of the less specific entry and the two entries must have the same interface and @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} fields. For example, if the routing table contains Dest Len Interface @{"Gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} Metric P Timer Use 32 ethernet0 1 0 0 0 1.2.3 24 ethernet0 1 0 0 0 then the first entry would be deleted as redundant since packets sent to will still be routed correctly by the second entry. Note that the relative metrics of the entries are ignored. rip refuse Refuse to accept RIP updates from the specified @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} by adding the @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} to the RIP filter table. It may be later removed with the rip accept command. rip request Send a RIP Request packet to the specified gateway, causing it to reply with a RIP Response packet containing its routing table. rip status Display RIP status, including a count of the number of packets sent and received, the number of requests and responses, the number of unknown RIP packet types, and the number of refused RIP updates from hosts in the filter table. A list of the addresses and intervals to which periodic RIP updates are being sent is also shown, along with the contents of the filter table. rip trace [0|1|2] This variable controls the tracing of incoming and outgoing RIP packets. Setting it to 0 disables all RIP tracing. A value of 1 causes changes in the routing table to be displayed, while pack- ets that cause no changes cause no output. Setting the variable to 2 produces maximum output, including tracing of RIP packets that cause no change in the routing table. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Route route With no arguments, route displays the @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} routing table. route add [/bits]|default [ []] This command adds an entry to the routing table. It requires at least two more arguments, the hostid of the target destination and the name of the interface to which its packets should be sent. If the destination is not local, the gateway's hostid should also be specified. (If the interface is a point-to-point link, then gateway_hostid may be omitted even if the target is non-local because this field is only used to determine the gateway's link level address, if any. If the destination is directly reachable, gateway_hostid is also unnecessary since the destination address is used to determine the interface link address). The optional /bits suffix to the destination host id specifies how many leading bits in the host id are to be considered signi- ficant in the routing comparisons. If not specified, 32 bits (i.e., full significance) is assumed. With this option, a single routing table entry may refer to many hosts all sharing a common bit string prefix in their @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} addresses. For example, ARPA Class A, B and C networks would use suffixes of /8, /16 and /24 respec- tively; the command route add 44/8 sl0 causes any @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} addresses beginning with "44" in the first 8 bits to be routed to; the remaining 24 bits are "don't- cares". When an @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address to be routed matches more than one entry in the routing table, the entry with largest bits parameter (i.e., the "best" match) is used. This allows individual hosts or blocks of hosts to be exceptions to a more general rule for a larger block of hosts. The special destination default is used to route datagrams to addresses not matched by any other entries in the routing table; it is equivalent to specifying a /bits suffix of /0 to any desti- nation hostid. Care must be taken with default entries since two @{"nodes",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Nodes} with default entries pointing at each other will route packets to unknown addresses back and forth in a loop until their time-to-live (TTL) fields expire. (Routing loops for specific addresses can also be created, but this is less likely to occur accidentally). Here are some examples of the route command: # Route datagrams to @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address to SLIP line #0. # No @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} is needed because SLIP is point-to point. route add sl0 # Route all default traffic to the @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} on the local Ethernet # with @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address route add default ec0 # The station with @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} address is on the local AX.25 channel route add ax0 route addprivate [/bits]|default [ []] This command is identical to route add except that it also marks the new entry as private; it will never be included in outgoing @{"RIP",link AmigaNOS_Rip} updates. route drop route drop deletes an entry from the table. If a packet arrives for the deleted address and a default route is in effect, it will be used. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Rspf rspf interface [ ] Display or set an RSPF interface. The command 'rspf interface' without parameters displays existing interface settings. is the required interface RSPF should use. is from 1 to 127 is from 1 to 255 hops rspf maxping [] Display or set the maximum number of times to ping. rspf message [""] Display or set the RSPF message string. rspf mode [vc | datagram | none] Display or set the preferred mode for RSPF. rspf routes Display the RSPF routing table. rspf rrhtimer [seconds] Display or set the Router-to-Router Hello (RRH) message interval. rspf status Display the current RSPF status. rspf suspecttimer [seconds] Display or set the @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} limit for an idle link to be suspected to be bad. rspf timer [seconds] Display or set the interval between routing updates. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Session session [] Without arguments, displays the list of current sessions, includ- ing session number, remote @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} or AX.25 address and the address of the @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} or AX.25 control block. An asterisk (*) is shown next to the current session; entering a blank line at this point puts you in converse mode with that session. Entering a session number as an argument to the session command will put you in con- verse mode with that session. If the @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} server is enabled, the user is notified of an incoming request and a session number is automatically assigned. The user may then select the session normally to converse with the remote user as though the session had been locally initiated. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Smtp smtp ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for the Simple Message Transport Protocol service (that is, mail). smtp batch [] Display or set the smtp batch flag. When set to 'on', messages in the outgoing mail queue are sent as a batch, whereby many of the SMTP @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are sent in one fell swoop before waiting for responses. (Unfortunately this breaks many brain-damaged SMTP servers, and so may not be usable in practice). smtp @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} [] Displays or sets the host to be used as a "smart" mail relay. Any mail sent to a host not in the host table will instead be sent to the @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} for forwarding. smtp @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} Run through the outgoing mail queue and attempt to deliver any pending mail. This command allows the user to "kick" the mail system manually. Normally, this command is periodically invoked by a timer whenever net.exe is running. smtp list List the messages in the outgoing mail queue. smtp maxclients [] Displays or sets the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing SMTP sessions that will be allowed. The default is 10; reduce it if network congestion is a problem. smtp mode [] By default, the SMTP mode is 'route', which means that incoming mail is directed to the mail queue SPOOL/MAIL. You can then read the mail there with the 'bbs' command, or by using an external mailer such as BM or ELM. If the mode is set to 'queue', incoming mail is directed instead to the special mail forwarding queue SPOOL/RQUEUE. The mail is stored in .WRK and .TXT files in the same format as the normal outgoing mail files in SPOOL/MQUEUE. A special forwarding program (not supplied with NOS) is then required to send the mail in SPOOL/RQUEUE onwards to its destination. This mechanism provides added flexibility to NOS for handling mail in different ways. smtp accept smtp reject [] These two subcommands allow the sysop to build up a list of systems from which mail is not wanted, in the case of reject, and to remove items from the list with accept. smtp timer [] Displays or sets the interval between scans of the outbound mail queue. For example, smtp timer 600 will cause the system to check for outgoing mail every 10 minutes and attempt to deliver any- thing it finds, subject of course to the smtp maxclients limit. Setting a value of zero disables queue scanning altogether, note that this is the default! This value is recommended for stand alone @{"IP",link AmigaNOS_Ip} gateways that never handle mail, since it saves wear and tear on the floppy disk drive. smtp trace [] Displays or sets the trace flag in the SMTP client, allowing you to watch SMTP's conversations as it delivers mail. Zero (the default) disables tracing. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Socket socket [] Without an argument, displays all active sockets, giving their index and type, the address of the associated protocol control block and the and owner process ID and name. If the index to an active socket is supplied, the status display for the appropriate protocol is called. For example, if the socket refers to a @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} connection, the display will be that given by the @{"tcp",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} status com- mand with the protocol control block address. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Source source The 'source' command runs a set of NOS @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} which are in . This is a very convenient way of executing a series of @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} without having to enter them individually at the keyboard. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Start start ax25|chat|discard|echo|ftp|netrom|remote| smtp|telnet Start the specified Internet server, allowing remote connection requests. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Status status The 'status' command displays general system information. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Stop stop ax25|chat|discard|echo|ftp|netrom|remote| smtp|telnet Stop the specified Internet server, rejecting any further remote connect requests. Existing connections are allowed to complete normally. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Tcp tcp ... These @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} are used for the Transmission Control Protocol service. tcp irtt [] Display or set the initial round trip @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} estimate, in milliseconds, to be used for new TCP connections until they can measure and adapt to the actual value. The default is 5000 mil- liseconds (5 seconds). Increasing this when operating over slow channels will avoid the flurry of retransmissions that would oth- erwise occur as the smoothed estimate settles down at the correct value. Note that this command should be given before servers are started in order for it to have effect on incoming connections. TCP also keeps a cache of measured round trip times and mean deviations (MDEV) for current and recent destinations. Whenever a new TCP connection is opened, the system first looks in this cache. If the destination is found, the cached IRTT and MDEV values are used. If not, the default IRTT value mentioned above is used, along with a MDEV of 0. This feature is fully automatic, and it can improve performance greatly when a series of connections are opened and closed to a given destination (eg. a series of @{"FTP",link AmigaNOS_Ftp} file transfers or directory listings). tcp @{"kick",link AmigaNOS_Kick} If there is unacknowledged data on the send queue of the speci- fied TCB, this command forces an immediate retransmission. tcp mss [] Display or set the TCP Maximum Segment Size in bytes that will be sent on all outgoing TCP connect request (SYN segments). This tells the remote end the size of the largest segment (packet) it may send. Changing MSS affects only future connections; existing connections are unaffected. tcp reset Deletes the TCP control block at the specified address. tcp rtt Replaces the automatically computed round trip @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} in the speci- fied TCB with the rtt in milliseconds. This command is useful to speed up recovery from a series of lost packets since it provides a manual bypass around the normal backoff retransmission timing mechanisms. tcp status [] Without arguments, displays several TCP-level statistics, plus a summary of all existing TCP connections, including TCB address, send and receive queue sizes, local and remote sockets, and con- nection state. If tcb_addr is specified, a more detailed dump of the specified TCB is generated, including send and receive sequence numbers and timer information. tcp timertype [linear|exponential] The TCP timer backoff can be either linear or binary exponential. Linear backoff is recommended for amateur radio work. tcp trace [on|off] Display or set TCP trace mode. When set to 'on', task control block activity is displayed, together with numbered TCP protocol messages. tcp window [] Displays or sets the default receive window size in bytes to be used by TCP when creating new connections. Existing connections are unaffected. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Telnet telnet Creates a Telnet session to the specified host and enters con- verse mode. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Time ** AmigaNOS4GW on ** e server Set the server to be used. e read Read the time from the time server previously specified. e set Read the Amiga real-time clock from the time server previously specified e mincorrect Set a minimum threshold for time corrections to be applied; ie if time set discovers the time difference is less than this amount, no correction will be applied. e maxcorrect Set a maximum threshold for time corrections to be applied; ie if time set discovers the time difference is greater than this amount, no correction will be applied. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Trace trace [ [off| []]] Controls packet tracing by the interface drivers. Specific bits enable tracing of the various interfaces and the amount of infor- mation produced. Tracing is controlled on a per-interface basis; without arguments, trace gives a list of all defined interfaces and their tracing status. Output can be limited to a single interface by specifying it, and the control flags can be change by specifying them as well. The flags are given as a hexadecimal number which is interpreted as follows: O - Enable tracing of output packets if 1, disable if 0 I - Enable tracing of input packets if 1, disable if 0 T - Controls type of tracing: 0 - Protocol headers are decoded, but data is not displayed 1 - Protocol headers are decoded, and data (but not the headers themselves) are displayed as ASCII characters, 64 characters/line. Unprintable characters are displayed as hyphens. 2 - Protocol headers are decoded, and the entire packet (headers AND data) is also displayed in hexadecimal and ASCII, 16 characters per line. B - Broadcast filter flag. If set, only packets specifically addressed to this node will be traced; broadcast packets will not be displayed. If tracefile is not specified, tracing will be to the console. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_TtyLink ttylink Creates a @{"Telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} session to port 87 at the specified host and enters converse mode. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Udp udp Displays the status of all UDP receive queues. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOS_Upload upload [] Opens filename and sends it on the current session as though it were typed on the terminal. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Area USAGE A[rea] [] DESCRIPTION The area command, when used by itself, will list the mail areas that contain messages you may read. The list gives the name of each area (), followed by a description of the message area's contents. When the area command is followed by a valid "", as shown in the area list described above, your current mail context will be switched to the new area. You may then use the R[ead] and L[ist] @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} to review messages in the selected catagory. If you want to add your own message to one of these areas, use the S[end] command to send mail addressed to "". EXAMPLES area public (makes "public" your current mail area) send public (puts a message in the "public" mail area) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Bye USAGE B[ye] DESCRIPTION The bye command is used when you want to exit from the NOS MBOX. This will @{"close",link AmigaNOS_Close} your @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} file and remove any messages that you have deleted with the K[ill] command. EXAMPLES bye @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_ChatNode chatnode Will issue a @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} call to the local system's @{"chatnode",link AmigaNOS_ChatNode} on the port number 3600 @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Download USAGE D[ownload] [/][/]filename DU [/][/]filename DESCRIPTION The download command will begin sending a file from this system to you. Use the "D" command to send a plain ASCII text file. You can also download binary files converted to UUENCODED ASCII by using the "DU" command. You will need the "uudecode" utility to convert this ASCII file back to binary. The system will check the file for non-ascii characters, and if any are found in the first 512 characters it is assumed to be a binary file and will be sent uuencoded. The optional path_name may be included along with the filename if the desired file is not in the current directory (you can determine this using the W[hat] command). Please note that the character used to separate the path and filename is a "/". EXAMPLES download index.txt du nos/ibm/g1emmkit.zip @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Escape USAGE E[scape] [] DESCRIPTION The @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} command, when entered by itself, will display the character that is currently set as the @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character. This character is what will be used if you want to exit from the current session. For instance, if you have started a "chat" session, and you don't get any response from the operator after waiting a few minutes, you can enter the @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character, followed by a or , and the session will be terminated. You will then be returned to the @{"MBOX",link AmigaNOS_Mbox} prompt. The @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character may be changed to one of your preference by entering "escape" followed by a and the character that will become the new @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character. This must be a single typed character (the key may be used in addition). EXAMPLES @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} ^Z (the ASCII character Z) @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} X (the character "x" is the new escape) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Find USAGE find DESCRIPTION The find command allows you to scan all the files in the cache for a given string. EXAMPLES find kantronics find g1yyh NOTE This command is unique to AmigaNOS v2.8 @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Finger USAGE F[inger] [][@] DESCRIPTION The @{"finger",link AmigaNOS_Finger} command retrieves personal information about users of a system. When used by itself, a list of known users on the current system will be displayed. When a user_name is added to the command, @{"finger",link AmigaNOS_Finger} will display information about that particular user. The same functions detailed above may be performed on some other TCP/IP host connected to the network. Just add the "@" to the @{"finger",link AmigaNOS_Finger} command as specified in the usage line above. To get a list of the users on a remote system, enter "finger" followed by a and an "@", then the host name. To get information about a remote user, simply insert the user name before the "@". EXAMPLES @{"finger",link AmigaNOS_Finger} (list the known users on this system) f g1yyh (list @{"info",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info} about the local user "g1yyh") f @g1yyh (list the known users at host "g1yyh") f g1yyh@g1yyh (display @{"info",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info} about "g1yyh" at host "g1yyh") @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway USAGE G[ateway] [ . . .] DESCRIPTION The gateway command allows you to connect to another AX.25 station through this host system's radio ports. You can determine what ports are available using the "J[heard]" command. The list will be divided by headings listing the interfaces available. You can also try using the I[nfo] command. Your connection will assume the callsign of this TCP/IP station instead of your own. The station you want to connect to must be substituted for the "" parameter above. If you need to reach this station via one or more digipeaters, enter the list following the desti- nation station's callsign. The first digipeater in the list is the one that is to be connected through first. EXAMPLES gateway nos gb7nwp (connect to gb7nwp on interface nos) g nos g1aaa g2bbb g3ccc (connect to g1aaa on the nos interface, via g2bbb and g3ccc as digipeaters) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Help USAGE H[elp] [] DESCRIPTION The @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} command will display @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} for a given command. The help command by itself, displays this particular message. To get @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} for a specific command, enter "help" followed by a space and then the name of the command you want described. The following @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} have @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} descriptions available for them: @{"area",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Area} @{"bye",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Bye} chat download escape finger @{"gateway",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Gateway} @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} @{"info",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info} jheard kill list @{"netrom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} read @{"retrieve",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Retrieve} send telnet upload @{"verbose",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose} what zap EXAMPLES @{"help",link AmigaNOS_Help} @{"area",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Area} (displays a description of the "area" command) h download (displays @{"info",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Info} about downloading files) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Info Welcome to G1YYH's TCP/IP system The software running on this machine is the TCP/IP software package developed by Phil Karn, KA9Q which was ported to the Amiga by Louis Mamakos, WA3YMH and subsequently modified by me. You can of course get a copy of both the IBM-PC and AMIGA versions directly from me. It is possible to download a copy of NOS using the AX.25 @{"Mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} by using the "DU" form of the download command (use "help download" for info). This is not encouraged, as both versions are very large files ( 400K+ ), and will tie up a local packet channel for quite a long time. The system here is composed of: Computer: Commodore AMIGA B2000, 105MB disk, 5MB memory Radio Interface: Kantronics KAM, (interface name "nos") Leave mail for the owner of this system by using the command: S g1yyh @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Jheard USAGE J[heard] [] DESCRIPTION The jheard command will display a list of all the station callsigns that have been received as sending packet traffic on the channel, the @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} since the station was heard last, and the total number of packets received. When the command is used alone (no interface specified), the "heard" lists for all interfaces will be displayed. To display a list of stations heard on only a particular channel, specify the "" name along with the "jheard" command. Warning: if this system has been on the air for very long, and the channels are very active, this list could be extremely long. EXAMPLES jheard (displays all stations heard on all ports) j nos (displays stations only heard on interface nos) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Kill USAGE K[ill] [ . . .] DESCRIPTION The kill command allows you to delete messages from the current @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} (if you have been given that permission by the operator). At least one message number must be supplied. The message numbers you can select from can be displayed with the "L[ist]" command. The second parameter on each line of the list is the The kill command only applies to messages in the current mail "area". The current mail @{"area",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Area} can be checked and modified with the "A[rea]" command. EXAMPLES kill 1 k 2 4 5 7 @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_List USAGE L[ist] [ [] ] DESCRIPTION The list command prints a list of the messages in the current @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} (or "area"). For each message, the list contains the subject header line, the @{"time",link AmigaNOS_Time} and date it was created, who it is from, how many bytes long it is, and whether or not it has been read. You may include an optional "starting_msg_number" from which to begin displaying the list. If you specify a starting msg number, then you may also specify an ending number as well. This will limit the display for you in case there are a large number of messages in a particular "area" mailbox. EXAMPLES list (Display a list of all messages in the current area) l 6 (Display messages headers beginning with message 6) list 6 10 (Display only message headers from 6 to 10) ll 5 (Display the last 5 messages in the current area) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Message message <"your message"> Send a one-line message to the sysop @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_MoveMail movemail Move the current message to movemail @{"area",link AmigaNOSMBOX_Area} Move ... to @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_NConnect USAGE NC[onnect] DESCRIPTION The Nconnect command will attempt a NET/ROM connection to the specified system. nc[onnect] When you are finished using the @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} interface, you may return to the @{"mbox",link AmigaNOS_Mbox} by entering the "escape" character, X (or what ever you may have changed it to using the "E[scape]" command. EXAMPLES nc orc22 (Attempts a connection to the @{"netrom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} node "orc22") @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Netrom USAGE N[etrom] DESCRIPTION The @{"Netrom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} command places you into a pseudo @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} mode. The typical @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} available are: c[onnect] i[dent] n[odes] [] u[sers] When you are finished using the @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} interface, you may return to the @{"mbox",link AmigaNOS_Mbox} by entering the "escape" character, X (or what ever you may have changed it to using the "E[scape]" command. EXAMPLES @{"netrom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} (Puts you into the @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} interface) c orc22 (Attempts a connection to the @{"netrom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} node "orc22") ident (Prints this station's callsign and @{"NetRom",link AmigaNOS_Netrom} node ID) n gb3by-2 (Prints a list of all the paths to get to gb3by-2) users (Prints a list of all the current @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} users) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Nodes USAGE No[des] DESCRIPTION The Nodes command will either list the available NET/ROM nodelist or if supplied with a nodename/callsign it will show details of the node quality/routes no[des] [] EXAMPLES n gb3by-2 (Prints a list of all the paths to get to gb3by-2) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_OS os The 'os' command displays general system information. @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_PageSysop USAGE P[ageSysop] DESCRIPTION The pagesysop command allows you to "talk" keyboard-to-keyboard with the operator of this NOS system. When you select this function, a new window will be opened on the operator's console and whatever you type will be visible there. If the operator is present, and types something in return, it will be sent back to you. When you wish to terminate the session, type the @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character on your keyboard, and then press or . The default @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character is "CTRL-X", which means to hold down the key and press the key simultaneously. This @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character may be changed to whatever you prefer by using the "E[scape]" command. EXAMPLES page p pagesys @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Ports ports Display the available ports on the system along @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Read USAGE R[ead] [ . . .] DESCRIPTION Each of these @{"commands",link AmigaNOSMain_Index} allows you to read a message (or messages) from the current mail area. To read a specific message, you may either type "read #" or just the number by itself. If there is a specific list of messages you are interested in (determined by the use of the L[ist] command, for instance), you can enter the list of message numbers (separated by spaces) on the "read" command-line. You can also simply advance sequentially through the messages by just pressing the key. This will display the next message in order. The "read" command displays only an abbreviated portion of the mail headers. If you want all the header lines displayed, use the V[erbose] command instead. EXAMPLES read 3 5 (Display only messages 3 and 5) 4 (Display message 4) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Retrieve USAGE retrieve DESCRIPTION The retrieve command allows you to extract a file from within a system archive. EXAMPLES retrieve index (retrieves the INDEX of all files contained in the archive.) retrieve tcp.v90-023 (retrieves 'tcp.v90-023' from the archive.) retrieve pkt.v90-Index (retrieves 'pkt.v90-index' from the archive.) NOTE When a file is requested, the local cache directory is checked first to see if the file has been requested recently, if so it is sent from there. If the file is not in the local cache directory, an AmigaDOS command is issued to de-archive the file and place it in the local cache directory as well as sending the file out. The cache directory will be cleaned out at regular intervals as new files are added to the archive. Also, this command is unique to AmigaNOS v2.8 @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Send USAGE S[end] [ @ ] [< ] [$] SR [msg_number] SF [ @ ] [< ] [$] DESCRIPTION The send command allows you to enter a message and send it to a user at either this system, or some other system on the network. The "from_addr" and "bulletin_id" fields are for special use and won't be covered here. The "S" command may also be followed by "P", "B", or any other message type you use (e.g. SP wb7xxx @ n7xxx). The "SR" command allows you to "reply" to either the current message or the message number specified. The subject will be copied and the reply will be sent to the address it was sent from. The "SF" command will forward a copy of the current message to the user specified. EXAMPLES send g1yyh (Send a message to the local user, g1yyh) s g1yyh @ gb7crg (Send a message to g1yyh at the gb7crg host) sr 3 (Reply to message number 3) sf g7aaa%g7bbb@gb7ccc (Forward current msg to g7aaa at g7bbb via gb7ccc) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_SignOn * North West Packet User Group * * * * Annual General Meeting * * Grappenhall Community Centre * * Grappenhall, Warrington * * * * Sunday 23rd February 1992 * * 19:30 Hrs (7.30pm) * ******************************** @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Telnet USAGE T[elnet] [] DESCRIPTION The @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} command allows you to initiate a @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} connection from the NOS @{"mailbox",link AmigaNOSMBox_Index} out across the network to another host. This allows an AX.25 user with nothing more than a terminal and TNC to gain access to the TCP/IP network. By including the optional port_number, you can connect to any @{"TCP",link AmigaNOS_Tcp} server at the given host. The default is to be connected to the "telnet" server, which in the case of NOS software, is the MBOX. To quit the session at any time, enter the @{"escape",link AmigaNOS_Escape} character (X by default, can be changed with the E[scape] command). EXAMPLES @{"telnet",link AmigaNOS_Telnet} g1yyh (Connect to g1yyh, (MBOX if NOS) ) t g1yyh 25 (Connect to the @{"SMTP",link AmigaNOS_Smtp} mail server at g1yyh) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Upload USAGE U[pload] [/][/] DESCRIPTION The @{"upload",link AmigaNOS_Upload} command allows you to transfer an ASCII file from your system onto disk at this host. You may also specify a full path_name containing a specific directory in which to deposit the new "upload". All uploads can only go into the directory that you logged into, or into another directory under the current one. The transfer proceeds line-by-line until the file is sent and you enter either a "Z" or "/ex" as the first thing on a blank line. EXAMPLES @{"upload",link AmigaNOS_Upload} kepler.txt u /pub/satelite/oscar13.txt @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Verbose USAGE V[erbose] [ . . .] DESCRIPTION This command allows you to read a message (or messages) from the current mail area, and it includes all the header lines for display. To view a specific message with all headers, type "verbose #", where the "#" is the number of the message to be displayed. (The R[ead] command operates the same way, but with abbreviated header lines). If there is a specific list of messages you are interested in, you can enter the list of message numbers (separated by spaces) on the "verbose" command-line. EXAMPLES verbose 3 5 (Display only messages 3 and 5 with full headers) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_What USAGE W[hat] [/][] DESCRIPTION The what command generates a sorted directory listing of the current directory or the one specified by the optional path_name. Directory "TCPIP:PUBLIC" on Saturday 18-May-91 AMIGA Dir ----rwed Yesterday 20:16:11 IBM Dir ----rwed Tuesday 07:44:44 INDEX.txt 909 ----rwed Yesterday 20:16:52 ODDS-ENDS Dir ----rwed 03-May-91 11:51:23 1 files - 3 directories - 6 blocks - 909 bytes EXAMPLES what (Displays a directory listing of the "current" dir) w ibm (Display a list of files contained in the "ibm" dir) w "* quick" (Displays the filename only in the current directory) @EndNode @Node AmigaNOSMBOX_Zap USAGE Z[ap] [/][/] DESCRIPTION The zap command allows you to delete a file in the current directory of one you specify with the optional path_name. Use of this command requires that permission be granted by the operator of this system. (Which you won't get!!) EXAMPLES zap myfile.txt (Deletes myfile.txt in the current dir) z nos/mydir/myfile.txt (Deletes myfile.txt in /nos/mydir) @EndNode .