GNROFF(1) GNROFF(1) NNAAMMEE gnroff - emulate nroff command with groff SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ggnnrrooffff [ --hhii ] [ --mm_n_a_m_e ] [ --nn_n_u_m ] [ --oo_l_i_s_t ] [ --rr_c_n ] [ --TT_n_a_m_e ] [ _f_i_l_e_._._. ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ggnnrrooffff script emulates the nnrrooffff command using groff. The --TT option with an argument other than aasscciiii and llaattiinn11 will be ignored. The --hh option is equivalent to the ggrroottttyy --hh option. Other options are as described in ggttrrooffff(1). In addition the --ee, --qq and --ss options are silently ignored. SSEEEE AALLSSOO ggrrooffff(1), ggttrrooffff(1), ggrroottttyy(1) Groff Version 1.08 10 August 1992 1 .